
Saturday, June 04, 2011

awesome pictures enron! Love the fish-eye/wide-angle shots you got of Dixit - great stuff!

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Images are up.

Password Hint: "What Batman punches the Joker into... Two words, no spaces, no caps". Not sure still? Shoot me an email, I will send it to you.

I am still dragging ass from the convention. Too much drink, not enough sleep and I have caffeine withdraws. A mark of a good Con. The pictures should be up tonight. I'll post a link.

In the mean time, enjoy:

Monday, May 30, 2011

Here's a post GRRM wrote about the process of writing Dance with Dragons. Interesting stuff (although I'd love to hear more about that process, can't even imagine that amount of effort). One or two fun teasers as well, including one that a POV character who's been missing for a couple books will be back, "much the worse for wear." I'm thinking we're going to see that little shit Theon again!
Aw man! Well, it was fun while it lasted. We could always start it back up someday, right?

Yeah that was a good time. I stayed this afternoon and got in a game of Mansions of Madness with Blackheart and Pumpkin. It was fun... I was going to win on my very next turn, but the investigators managed to go in guns blazing, legs broken and insane to take out the shoggoth. Fun stuff.

Went on a Cracked list-reading jag. This one's good: The 7 Most Badass Weapons Ever Improvised in Battle. "Nobody said it was a good plan. It's like somebody went through an actual strategy and replaced every instance of the word 'tactical' with 'balls out.'"

Minecraft Canceled

***Goes down 7/6/11, so 1 week left***

Canceled the minecraft server. Just doesn't seem to be anyone playing it enough to keep it going. Maybe again some day in the future. Here is the world if you want to play it in single-player:

Action Team Land

Unzip the folder then put the whole thing in your Saves folder. Quick way to get to the save folder, is in-game, go to mods/textures option and click "open texture pack folder". Once it opens that window, just go back a spot in explorer to ".minecraft" and you will see the "saves" folder. Drop the actionteamland folder into there and then it will be an openable save game (think its named WORLD and subtitled Action Team Land) tried it out - works.

It was a fun run! Thanks guys :)
Awesome convention again, thanks guys! Don't think I played any bad games. The good thing about getting there Thur night was the bonus day of gaming. Bad thing was I was burned out a day early. :( Next time I will def fly so I don't have that stress of having to drive home in the back of my mind. Picked up my girl and was back home by 12:30, so it was a smooth trip home. Still wish I would have got a game of Dungeon Lords in, but there's always next con/man-con(?). Was there ever a bachelor party of enron? Maybe a man-con/bachelor party can happen. I guess you guys might count GenCon as that.

Games! Nice to see you all! Thanks for the game Jon!