
Friday, November 05, 2010

current resident

print "Hello {name}, I hear it's {occasion}. On behalf of {organization}, we offer our {human emotion}!"

Ay! Mussolini.

Thanks for the Happy BDay wish Ry. Another few thousand steps to the grave.

j0rn, I am glad you enjoyed the First Law series. Quite an accomplishment for a first writing by Joe Abercrombie. I really enjoyed the characters and the sense of dark humor in the book. Twas a shame eLzar couldn't get into it.

Off to work... Blah.


Thursday, November 04, 2010

Happy Birthday Enron, you jerk.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


1. OK, this is cool. Most of you guys probably know I was a serious nut about Infocom text adventures back in the day. I still break 'em out and play them from time to time. And from about 1995-2002, I spent a lot of time playing modern day IF (Infocom-type games, but written in the modern day), hanging out on various usenet groups, and even took a couple stabs at writing some adventures. Nerd! Anyway one of the best IF writers by far was this guy Andrew Plotkin. He wrote several games that were both excellently crafted pieces of software (exceeding Infocom stuff from their heyday) and extremely well written. Anyway, he started a Kickstarter project to take some time off work and write a text adventure for iPhone. His goal was $8000, and he made it in one day.

2. Jumped in some random WoW dungeons with Aeryk tonight. Very, very fun. Basically you turn on that you want a dungeon and what role you are and go about your business as usual. About 10 minutes later the game gets a group together for you, you automatically teleport into the instance and start killin'. We did two random dungeons in a row and it was a total blast, not to mention XP and loot-tastic. Definitely got the itch to do more of them soon.

3. I forgot to mention, but Enron lent me this series called The First Law by Joe Abercrombie and it was really good. Definitely worth picking up if you feel like a good, fast-paced, well written, exciting, humorous and cynical fantasy series. In many ways the events of the series are intentional subversions of typical fantasy tropes. Some great characters and a really good ending to the whole thing, well worth checking out.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Not a committment team... but The Sexy Team

Thats cuz we're sexy. oh and that's a good deal from Amazon. tempting. It's hard to do the middle ground kindof thing. It's either spend 14 hours straight or nothin! Actually, was just thinking about an idea with one of those electrical excercise devices that straps on when you play Wow - So you get excercise while also being able to feel the burn when you run from Booty bay to the Wetlands. It'll also add to the realism, like when you swing a sword it excercises your arms.

Geeky? definitely. crazy? you bet. feasible? possibly

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Amazon's having a big "Get Three Games for the Price of Two" sale right now which includes a bunch of random shit, including the 60 day WoW time cards for $30 bucks. Mostly newer games from all different systems/pc, so worth checking out.

Starcraft 2 is in that list too, so SC2, WoW card and then something else, blam!
Well, it's always hard to get any sort of meaningful commitment from The Action Team, I mean what do you think we are, The Commitment Team? But I'm signed up for a six month subscription so will be playing through then. My character and Doc are on the same ol' server.

You don't need Cataclysm to see the changes to the vanilla zones. They are just going to flip the switch on 12/7 and the changes will affect everybody. You will need to buy Lich King if you want to play Death Knights or go from level 71-80. You will need to buy Cataclysm if you want to play the new races or go to level 81-85. I could see them putting out some kind of bundle in the future but for now, yes you have to buy them all separately.

If you do decide to check out the changes, start downloading at least a day and a half before you want to play because the patches are MAMMOTH, like 12 gigs. If you don't have the game installed at all then it is much more time-efficient to just download the installer from the Blizzard site and start from scratch than it is to install off your old discs and patch up.

I am Hitlairgo

So does this mean everyones gonna play and on what server? I wonder if you have to buy the LK and then have to upgrade again to CATA. Or if you buy CATA you get everything??? Kinda of sham if you ask me.

Or should we all just play Starcraft II and go to Korea to beat those silly koreanamese at their game? Jon will definitely have to improve his RTS reflexes from past experiences with Warcraft I.

I don't know, tough call.

Have you guys heard of a site called w w w . s k y m e . c o m? It has all the latest movies, EVERYTHING absolutely free. you have to download a small app about 2 megs, doesn't have a tracker, you might have to read a little chinese, but all the movies are in english. It's an awesome site if you haven't used it yet.