
Friday, October 22, 2010

$4 MILLION dollars

I was just reading about that game Minecraft which I had tried for a few minutes a while back and the dude has made $4 million dollars off it so far! WHOA! Here's the article I was reading:
5 Minutes of Minecraft
I know people have made amazing things inside the game (on YouTube some dude made a scale model of the USS Enterprise in Minecraft - friggen insane!) but it has never clicked with me. Kinda blows my mind though and it's cool to see 1-man teams making it , even when they never expected it.

minecraft.net - you can play a free version from the site

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hey that sounds good Denis. I'll set aside some time that weekend for sure. So is the plan for you to stay at Elzar's place and come up here? Elzar if you'd rather have an action team man-party (which would be fun, I haven't been down there in a while) then I am sure I could drive down there.

Also, Aeryk, you need some new Tweets homeboy. Those 41-day-olds are starting to stink.

Monday, October 18, 2010

J-Dog: Never heard of that movie. I'll look into renting it if it's rentable. This past weekend I was on a Hitchcock kick and watched 3 of his early movies I'd never seen. That guy was a genius. Those movies were equal parts funny and suspenseful. They don't make movies like that anymore.

D-Dog: Can you cancel your pre-order? I've literally seen Death Angel at every local B&N and Borders. And you can easily find 30-40% printable coupons for both those places that would make it the same cost as Amazon. Cancel! Hope your back feels better old man!

Coffin-Dog: I didn't set out to make them coffin-shaped; I was just trying to take your basic hex shape and make it look different. I should have just made the theme something ghoulish but I'm too lazy.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I gots teh backorder bluuuues

Been doing some crazy overtime recently. On top of that, I threw my back out this past week. I don't even know how it happened. It grew progressively worse until I was on my back in bed for most of Thursday and Friday. I'm so fragile.

The movie sounds interesting. Did it just come out or did you watch it on video tape? I only saw Being John Malkovich.

I actually pre-ordered the Space Hulk game through Amazon waaaaaay back. It's still backordered. Seems pointless to preorder if I could just walk to the Barnes and Noble during my lunch break. Booooo! In space no one can hear you whine...

So it looks like I'll be visiting Action Team North next month. Leave the weekend of Nov 12-14 open and make any preparations and offerings to the deities of your choice.

I recently picked up Deathwatch, the Space Marine rpg. It's the next step up from Rogue Trader powerwise. Where Rogue Trader starts at 5000 xp (relative to Dark Heresy), Deathwatch starts at about 13,000 xp for character power. (maybe 4th level Rogue Trader character)

Obviously you can only play a space marine. Which is fine if all you ever wanted to be was a space marine. As for me, it looks like I'll still be waiting for Eldar! to come out. Your skills and powers are based on what chapter you come from. There are currently six. Five from GW fluff and a new one created for the game. They hinted that future supplements will have more chapters. I'm looking forward to the Rainbow Warriors myself.

It's an interesting read for background, but I don't see myself playing this game. Roleplaying-wise, it's very constraining. Unless of course you are really onto space marines. Really really. Rogue Trader suits me better. The naked grab for power and wealth speaks much more to my gamer heart than Gears of War rpg. My hope lies in the next instalment of this rpg series: "Titanicus!" You roleplay a titan and go apeshit on styrofoam buildings. That's hardcore!

Speaking of hardcore. I especially like that the warning is basically the name of the product.

This is Hardcore!

Rude - Interesting game concept. I was thinking the same thing Jorn was about the cards. Coffins?
Saw this movie Synechdoche, New York last night, wow. Any of you guys seen this one? It's written/directed by Charlie Kaufman, the guy who wrote Being John Malkovich, so it's similar in that it alternates between moments that are hilarious, and/or really sad, and moves towards a somewhat incomprehensible yet emotionally compelling conclusion.

The short description is that Phillip Seymour Hoffman is a theatre director in a troubled marriage whose body is breaking down in bizarre and horrible ways. He wins a genius grant and uses the money to rent a mammoth warehouse in which he stages an exact reproduction of his own life.

Definitely worth checking out if you liked Malkovich/Adaptation/Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and maybe even better than those other movies (certainly up there). Shrek it out! Four Puss in Boots up!