
Thursday, October 14, 2010

I was inspired to play another game last night and won! Yay me! My experience was somewhat similar to yours Aeryk, I had an easy time of it in the brood lord room. I also randomized and had a very good pull, with both yellow (lightning claws), purple (flame on) and blue (f'in unkillable on defense). Luck mostly went my way too, this was the first time ever that Brother Claudio didn't die (roll 0) on his first attack. I was also much more careful with the "important guy" on each team, as well.

..aaaarrarrghhh....~rines... *final exhale*

Played me another two games last night and the night before. It's a fun game, but I think it would be a lot more fun if I didn't have a defective die that has 5 sides reading '0' and one side reading '4'...

I actually did win my game last night which puts me at about a 20% victory rate so far. I like to randomly select my teams from the counter mix which sometimes leaves me with some, er, poor options for killin' stealerz - any game without the autocannon is a super-extra tough hill to climb.

Last night I had the pleasure of hitting the last room with two counters on the door that let me eliminate two of the carry over genestealers which put the Brood Lords in two separate swarms of 1 and 3, including the Lords. The swarm of 3 just happened to spawn in front of monsieur autocannon and the other infront of a team of two that I had an attack card for.

Four marines survived the night!

I tend to only play this game late, late at night when my brain isn't willing to work on other projects anymore so it has made it's way into my subconscious as being a very dark, draining game. I need to play more in the light so I don't get burnt out on it, me thinks. Good stuff!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SPACE MAaaaarrgh

OK, first of all, I found this article about Insane Clown Posse to be utterly hilarious.

Picked up Death Angel (Rude's tip of checking the bookstore paid off) and got in three games today! I've never encountered a rulebook further opposed from the way in which I like to learn rules, but the game itself is lots of fun. The first game was the most painful -- four of my six Marines died in the first room (of four), the last two barely keeled over quickly in the second. Second game was almost as nasty but I somehow made it to the third room and just now, two stalwart Marines made it to the last room before being utterly swarmed (although the Librarian did go out in a moment of glory, gunning down four consecutive 'stealers). I dig it!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

a little over two weeks

until we start writing our novels, Action Team! Start thinking of ideas, and stuff. :) I think I know what I'm going to write (was Sci-Fi, now Horror). The countdown begins!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

ps: death angel

Oh, Barnes & Noble had a killer board game selection and they had Space Hulk: Death Angel - $20 bucks, online it would have been around $16 but was sold out from where I like to shop. It's fun! Played a game this afternoon. Rules were a headache but eventually it all clicked. Only lost 1 marine through the first 3 rooms and then lost the reminder in the final room. Started with a card called "They're Everywhere!" I think that spawned a genestealer on EVERY marine. Then the last room had the two Brood Lords and I was able to kill 1 before just getting annihilated. Fun! Horribly laid out rules though, so I'm going to browse BGG to clarify a few things. But it's a good game.
Oh, you don't have to try my game Jon. I don't think it's very good, but it was just fun to try and create a game system. Might try to take some of these ideas and make something more concrete. Here was the basic rules:

Advance 5 times on the Hospital-track to get your wife to the hospital in time. If you advance the Baby-track 8 times, roadside delivery and game over.

1. Shuffle tiles face down then draw 1 to begin.
2. Connect 1 to 3 new road tiles (depending on the tiles design) to the top of the current tile.
3. Choose which road you want to take and add the number next to that road to the number on the bottom of the destination tile. This is the target score you need to roll equal to or under on the six-sided dice to advance. If you roll over the target score, advance the baby-track by 1 and stay on the current tile. Re-roll on any available road. If you roll equal to or under the the target score, advance to the new tile and move the time-tracks according to the icons on the lower right-hand corner of the new tile. An 'H' means you've advanced 1 closer to the Hospital, while a baby-icon means the baby is 1 closer to arriving.
4. Repeat from step 2 until you reach the end of either the Hospital or Baby time tracks.

I was trying to make it so it wasn't JUST random d6 rolls determining if you win or lose. I tried to make it so the more desirable tiles, ones that just advance the Hospital track and not the baby track, are harder to get on. So they'd have only a +1. You might get lucky and have it connect to a piece of road with a +3 but that's just chance. So trying to make risk/reward system. The theme is silly and cliched too. :)

Alien Frontiers
You guys heard about this indy title?
Alien Frontiers!
I guess they used that Kickstarter program to get funding for it and it built up hype on BGG. Someone on the SA Forums play tested it and said it was good. It's a "worker placement game" - what's another example of that type of game? I don't have the exp that you guys have.