
Thursday, August 19, 2010


The companies located near city of industry, diamond bar area. So yea, i'll be hanging out with the Tongers surfin. You should come hang ten.
Congrats on the job Ja-El! Are you based out of LA or the bay area?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

One last selling point for the sketchy lodge:

They spray paint their name on all the towels and linen, hahaha. I like to think of that as a selling point. The Yelp reviews are pretty funny but they're mostly for the little rooms, not the "house", but I'm okay with a proper hotel or whatever. The idea of something in the woods though is kinda rad and I wish it can happen someday.

Happy BDAY Elricide! And Congrats Jael!
Accepted the Bus Development Manager offer! I know it wasn't exactly the title I wanted but i'm still looking forward to it and excited, but indirectly I was told I will also be doing part Product manager roles in developing products, so, wearing hats.

So many topics on the table:

1 - Gencon 2011 - am inz!!!! would like to sell some games but that's probably better done at Kubla, as hauling a bunch of games would be tough on the plane.

2 - Haunted Cabin vs Embassy Suite - Hands down Embassy suites. (not keen on getting murdered anywhere)
I would also like to demo my newly designed war game - S u n T z u - Artz of Warz Chinaz
(remove the z's)

Happy bday elric
Maybe the mystery room is like the locked "Murder Room" at the Tahoe cabin from a few years back that the J-Team setup. That was creepy as hell. It was basically just a locked door at the bottom of a dark, windowless staircase to the third sub-level.

I think the murder room should be where we send any member(s) of the upcoming, eLzar DM'd CoC game that get separated from the main party. We can cut the power to the room. Plus we will rent a clown for the room. And a midget. And place Rude in their with his Vader mask and dental tools. eLzar, get on it. Also, Happy B-Day eLzar the Gozarian. Aaaaaaa!

$280/night isn't that bad, given it will only be for two nights. I am torn though. The Embassy Suites do have a nice feel to them as well.

Gen-Con 2011! Does anyone know when badges go on sale? The site doesn't have costs up yet so I suspect they are still ironing out the details yet. *Excited*


Monday, August 16, 2010

I would totally be down for the cabin rental! How likely is it we'll have that many people? If man-cons past are any indication we will have 4-5 people. Anyway I'm cool with the rates there.

I like that there's a mystery bedroom that they don't have any photos of "yet." Is it full of corpses, or unicorns?

If we rent the cabin, Aeryk HAS TO run Call of Cthulhu. Actually, I think Aeryk should run CoC no matter what. Jesus, pull your weight! :)
My medical is through Kaiser and yeah, my Doctor had to refer me to the sleep clinic. My insurance covered everything which is nice (the invoice for the machine said something like $850+) but it's taken from December until last Friday to go through all the steps, with month-long gaps inbetween. That's a crazy long time!
I think i need a vadar mask. Where did you get your sleep treatment? and do you need to get a recommendation from the doctor?
Ya, I didn't realize they had weekend rates. Now, is that PER PERSON or grand total? Cuz if it's $280 a night grand total, that's not too expensive per person. Like less than $40 a day. But I don't know. Anyways, if we picked some weird place like that, I'd suggest Elrick does a surprise visit/drive-bye to see if it's really cool or not.


July is high season so the prices are higher .

~ $260 a night. Boo...

So Down

...with that cabin! Let's explore the value-adds of this place vs. Embassy Suites in Burlingame -

Pro Haunted Cabin:
- Haunted
- Lots of room for different game events
- Close to me!
- Lots of places to sleep for everyone
- Big refer for supplies
- Nice outdoorsy option for walks, smoke breaks, etc.
- Can be loud and obnoxious at all hours
- Different locale
- Bears

Con Haunted Cabin:
- Far from most people, though I could run a shuttle service to/from train station
- No managers special drinks or free breakfast
- POSSIBLY not as safe from Hill People attacks as the Embassy Suites.
- Bears

I'm totally down with it as it seems the cost will be about the same, me thinks.


We can rent this semi-shady cabin/house in Santa Cruz for $200 bucks a night or so - for 8 people. DO IT, MAN-CON Haunted Woods Edition:

Oh, I got my freaky mask on Friday. It works, no more snoring and I *think* i sleep better, but it's going to take some time to get used to. When I'm wearing it I can amazingly breathe, but still strange to sleep with that shit on your face.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

and oh yeah

GenCon 2011! Aug 4-7! Mark it off on your calendars!

Ahh, post-wedding

It is NICE having free time again! There's still things to do, all the time, but it's a nice normal level.

I had the whole week off, so I spent some time in Mexico with my parents (pretty weird to spend a week away from my new bride, but then she had to do some business traveling, so I dunno). Pretty fun. Here were my main activities:

- Rereading the rules for WFRP 3rd ed (I'm really feeling the urge to commit to a campaign, so if the various group members are down, I'm in it to win it)
- Playing numerous games of Solitaire (went 3-33)
- Playing Yahtzee, Rack-O and Scattergories with my mom.

In other boring news, I just downloaded Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (yeah, I'm like 4 years late to the party). I've heard that the leveling/scaling mechanics are pretty weak and that there are mods to fix it, so I've spent a few minutes looking around at mods for the game, and holy shit. People have spent a lot of time making new animations, models, and all kinds of crap, particularly in the service of making high-quality female models that you can dress up in sexy lingerie armor. I'm talking serious work here, way past "put vaginas on every wall in Doom" level. I guess it's not super surprising but it's still startling.