
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I just re-read your NOSE post Ryry - how'd recovery go? The lady at the sleep center is sending me to some specialist soon but she brought up Tonsils and other bullshit, so I'm kina freaked that I might have to go thru what you went thru. But noticing how little air gets thru my nose when im NOT on the mask, I bet there's some shit wrong with me. Who's your medical coverage, by the way?
I finally got the CPAP machine last night (only for the 1 night to get readings) and it was weird as hell, but it worked. It literally covered by face and nose and just pumped air into me. My sleep study results were so jacked up tho, that the dr is referring me to a nose/throat/somethingelse specialist to see what the obstruction is. I wonder if that's what Jael and Ry Ry went thru before getting the option for surgery...

Monday, July 26, 2010

When I was younger than 14, I used to have a terrible time peeing in public urinals, especially if theres a line queing up in public places like the movie theatre or something. Even if I had the urge of a full bladder that was about to burst. Just terrible performance issues. I couldn't stand to pee if I knew someone was watching, even though most people weren't. I think it was just the thought. I lost my pee virginity after high school i think. Maybe it was the same time that I got laid alot (oh yeeeah) and was really confident about my pee performances. Now I just spray the urinals wherever which way. ;)

Talking about pee and work, not so much pee actually, I had a really really good set of interviews today. Met the VP, and some of the Sr. dudes in this electronics mfg company. I got a really positive vibe after the interviews, (a lot of when can you start and what's your sal requirements) I hope to hear back, which should be soon. Jobs are great to pay the bills in the meantime when i'm looking for my calling.