
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Regency = Fat Businessmen

Greetings from the Regency Club!
Woohoo for free internets and big cookies!
Aaron's talking on the phone, and I'm working on the Rogue Trader character - s'all good!

Cunvenshun Pthyme, Cunvenshun Pthyme, Time for Fun Filled Days!

Nine Bars

Don't forget, you'll have the nine remaining bars from your Clif bar order from Amazon. I should have taken pictures of Wylie as he feasted on the other 9 - hilarious!
it's cool, i'll just suck the toothpaste I'm bringing for sustenance.

TJ run.

M byke will have his wheels. I imagine he can help you out. I'm sure others may want a run too.
I arrives in SF around 9pm so be at the hotel 9:30 or so. You gonna have a car enron? Friday morning Trader Joes run, comeonnnn! :)

Kombat Fuck Kommander

I'm game for that punishment. Your on mother trucker.

Dr. Futbol and I should be setup early afternoon at Boobla Khan. I'll let everyone know the room info once we are settled in.

Sons of Bitches

You are all sons of bitches that happen to be attending Kubla today and tonight. Just because I have a family that I don't want to leave on Thursday night gives you assholes no right to go and start having fun without me.

Buncha' single, unmarried, heathen, jerkfaces who answer to no one but yourselves.... such audacity!

As punishment, you will all play me at Combat Commander - not as a group, as a series of painful, painful one off matches.

Oh and here is some pre-con hijinks

Sweet Fluid & Lipid Dynamics study.

Rude, try bringing a bag of miniatures on to the plane. I swear they look at you like you are a 10 year old trapped in a man's body. It's great. I have had those bags searched a few times. They also didn't like it when my father brought a deactivated grenade in his carry as a gift for David. Pre-911. He had a blast with security that day.

Like Jon said Dennis, you have this afternoon to paint buddy. Get on it.

Elzar, I never figured you for a RTS hater. You were so into C&C in the 90s.

Who has BSG the boardgame? Is that coming? Please bring. I swear this time there will be the correct number of Cylons.

I'm packed! Always nervous about bringing dice on a plane. Like, what the fuck do the x-ray people think that shit is when it goes thru the scanner!? All kinds of weird shapes.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Partially painted!

That's unacceptable! You have two days to paint those up man! And read chapters VI and IX of Rogue Trader!

I'll make sure and bring the Malifaux rules and a couple decks o cards. I don't need anything else. Well, besides this copy of Space Alert. Space Alert, the malifaux rules, these card decks, and that's it. And this blanket. The blanket, the cards (etc.)

Speaking of Games

Yooz should try out Majesty 2 for $7.50 on Steam. It's an RTS (which I freaking DISPISE) but a fun one! Your units are adventurers that all have minds of their own, and they level up, buy stuff, form parties, etc. and basically you as the Overlord facilitate their growth and by placing markers on the board, you entice them to perform tasks for you by offering payment for "explore this part of the map" or "deal with this graveyard that spawns skeletons" or "protect this caravan".

You can learn direct spells that effect the heroes and heal them in their individual combats, etc. and then when you make improvements to your buildings it is actually improving your heroes by providing them with healing potions in the marketplace, or better armor and weapons in the blacksmiths, or adding recruits to the guard that patrol the city, etc.

I hate, hate, hate, hate RTS games, but this is a nice mix between Sim RPG-Kingdom and an RTS that I am having lots of fun so far. And a full game for $7.50? Can't beat that with a bat.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I don't like games. Games are for babies. I'm strictly going to the Khan for the overpriced food. Hmmmm curry chicken....

Right, so it appears that due to some internet peer pressure, I purchased teh Malifaux. I have two crews based and partly painted. Curse you internet peer pressure!


Also, I want to play that crazy spaceship game with the CD!
Updated list (and final since I handed it off to Mike just now)

Mystery Express
Chaos in the Old World

I'll see you guys early Friday morning! Hopefully the Rogue Traders will be pretty much done and we can jump into a game right away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only really wanna play that one game with the toy guns...? I don't remember the name but you point it at each other - it's a lot of fun so hopefully we can dedicate saturday or even sunday to just that one game.
Only things I'd add to your list are Pandemic and BSG. All hail the all Cylon crew! So say we all (see, I watched the show some). Oh and Mike mentioned he wants to play (and buy, if you're selling) The Fury of Count Chocula.

Offhand I'm bringing: Android, Chaos in the Old World, Mystery Express, and Starcraft, plus WM and ROGUE TRADER!

Kublacons WANT and DO NOT WANTS

This is my obligatory 'what games does everyone want to play' so I don't bring too much, or to little as the case has never been.

- WANT: Bringing another round of games to sell-off, so bring your cash incase you want what I gots. Can't think of 'em right now, with the exception of BattleLore (with expansions!) and Battlestations..

- WANT: To purchase/play Horus Heresy. Sounds awesome, but not sure it's worth the retail.

- WANT: To sell highly valued games to Troll and Toad who will apparently be there. I'm trying to move my ASL solitaire, sealed Battle Cry and Ambush! Silver Star, valued at a total of ~$325, trade-in value, hopefully....

- WANT: The Adventurers, Warhammer: Invasion, Combat Commander, Smallworld, Tichu, All Things Zombie, Gladiator (yes, the AH game - I read the rules and they are pretty quick and fun, actually), Forbidden Island, Space Hulk, Leaping Lemmings, and Time's Up!

- DO NOT WANT: Scabies, Juggalos, Bang!, the game with the foam guns, Monopoly, Cosmic Encounter.

I have a buddy who just had those two operations and he loves it. He gets lots of double-takes.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'll have to let you know after I have it. I am coming back from Hawaii on the 6th and I will have my surgery (tonsillectomy and septum) on the 10th.
Yeap.... just had some boba zone - nice, NOW i know what a coffee milk tea is. Tried it, its purty good.
Reasonable price too. 3.50 for a large size, although it was hard to find on Anza, and the shop was a dinky little shop.

RYAN - how was the nose surgery??? i really want to know, cuz i want to fix my nose too.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

No Sweat dude, not really needing a ride now... I'm trying the new Chinatown bus , we'll see how THAT goes. It's a direct route versus the Grey hound that takes the 101 SCENIC route and 8-9 stops, 10-12 hour rides. There will probably be less gangster elements, since it's a Chinatown deal, unless the affluent triads takes bus rides. Second, it's from SFO to Sanjose to Montrey Park so how bad can that be???

Ok - i'm heading down to Boba zone right now to go taste test the Boba. - will provide the report later. Coffee Milk Tea - wtblurb is that?

And regarding the Mind Blowing thing, i think I read somewhere they are talking about making a Blood Bowl CCG. So, if it happens maybe, you will need to reserve the other hemisphere, for the other half to be naded? Just a thought.
I'm flying to and from the con jael or i'd offer you a ride :( and sorry missed your call, have friend from out of state visiting and didn't hear when you called.
Speaking of Kubla, I need to either scalp my badge for Grimacon unless i can hitch a ride with someone from LA- I'm heading to Vegas next week tuesday, but need to coordinate a ride, and i'll fly back on thursday or Friday.... or maybe i'll just fly to the Con if i can get a ride back... help?

Also will need to be headcounted into the rooms if I can make it... with a gajillion people/toes/feet in it!

I'll buy whoever gives me a ride a Bulk Lee Boba Tea!

jA-El stage name = "Bulk" Lee, short for Space Bulk Lee

I can not say that I have patronized Tapioca Express, but I will say that Quickly does serve a good Boba. Oddly Boba is more commonly known as Pearl Tea up here. There are a couple of descent ones up near us here near our place.

Space Bulk Card game you say? Designed by FF? Sweet, I am totally sold.

ZOMG Boobla Khan is so close. Yee Ha, Jester's dead.

