
Friday, March 19, 2010

Checked out Alice in Wonderland last night. It was pretty lame, but I did highly enjoy this trailer for Tron 2 (the uppermost one). Looks cool... I guess I should probably see the first one at some point.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How can you NOT let them die

is the question I ask. Seriously, they're one of the biggest groups of tools I've ever seen in a video game, and I've played Mac Playmate.

Monday, March 15, 2010

My council lived and there's some good little scenes from it. How can you let them die!? You bum.

yes, let's play some vassal games!

Jerk Shepard

That jerk Shepard video is HILARIOUS. Good times. I did probably about 70% of those in my playthrough... Omar L. Shepard isn't ALWAYS a hater.

That dancing scene is HILARIOUS. The Paragon one is just as funny. It's something like

SHEPARD: I'm going to dance here. If you want, you can think I'm dancing with you.
ASARI: I do want to think that!

I actually started my 2nd playthrough last night (with my paragon, space lesbian Shepard). I'm a little disappointed: I guess I let the Council die on that playthrough too. I kinda want to see what happens when they make it.


Yes, the board gaming was very fun and made up for the disappointment of not getting some WFRP in! I added the games to the Action Team Game Spreadsheet (plug). We should have another board game day sometime soon. (When Enron can come. And I bet Ja-el would have fun, too!)

I can see Small World being good over Vassal. Aeryk if you figure out the technical aspect I will play. I can absorb the role of explaining rules and be on point for explaining what power/race combinations do, etc.

I totally want to see Pacific! Can one of you guys record it to VHS for me?
The Pacific (Sunwear!) was good. In preperation for the series I bought couple of the books they're basing it off of and partially read through them. Kinda cool seeing their interpretations. I think the 3 main dudes the show is gonna follow all fought on different islands for the most part, so I think it's gonna be formatted differently from BoB. Maybe a little bit of pre-war character development each episode. Who knows? But it's good so far so I'm excited. Yay, war!

I won't. Be beat.
The Batman is an awesome game, hope you like it. The melee combat is super satisfying. I never beat it but I'll rent it again someday I'm sure.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day of Million Games, vol. II

Saturday was a successful day of gaming, bar none. To recap my joys:

- 2 games of 'The Adventurers', Mike technically won both but the real winners were everyone for having a lot of fun! Think of it as Incan Gold, but as a boardgame with a lot of press your luck attempts to get loot before escaping the collapsing tomb. Good, simple, times.

- 1 game of 'Chaos in the Old World', Jon won, but technically everyone lost because Jon was Khorne and we all know that winning with Khorne is like taking candy from a baby, so really Jon is actually a loser. Great game that actually had both Khorne and Slaneesh (mike) winning on the last turn by one VP condition and then needed a second as the tiebreaker. I was Nurgle and blew everyone out of the water on the last turn with raw victory points, but alas the Wheel Advancement VP condition trumps mine, so I LOSE! I love this game.

- A crapload of 'Warhammer: Invasion', the two player Living Card Game by Fantasy Flight. Plays like a CCG but with everyone working from the same set of cards, so no Mr. Suitcase FTW. Fast, fun, clever, simple, varied, interesting. Jon and I both liked it, as witnessed by the 8+ plays. (NOTE TO SELF: Read and understand what cards your opponent has on the field before directly attacking a card that clearly shows how it will crush your attack and then take you out of the game by hobbling you so badly there is no way to recover.)

- Closed the night out with some 'Smallworld' which is a Euro with cleverly disguised wargame mechanics and lots of variability from game to game which makes for an interesting experience. You try and score points by landgrabbing using different races of creatures, then scoring those grabbed lands for VP's. Eventually those races will run out of steam, then you need to put them in 'decline' (ie let em die) choose a new race and do it all over again. Quick, satisfying, and close! Jon won with 100 points, I lost with 99! In the past, every time I have seen Smallworld it totally flew under my radar and I didn't care to even look at the cover. I ended up really liking it! Hooray for games!

Then to cap it all off, I picked up Batman:Arkham Asylum from Steam for $20! Its a fun game and TOTALLY worth $20 if you got it laying around. Wheeeee!!!!