
Saturday, February 06, 2010

Aww you lucky ducks, have fun gaming this weekend! Wish I was there! Or in Japan with Denny! Or even Italy with Mike!

I started bootcamp again this week so I've been getting up every morning around 430am, getting to bootcamp for hardcore work out at 530am, then a full days work. I'm SO fucking exhausted, I basically spent my entire Friday off sleeping, or being in a state of near-sleep. It's a good tired because it's mostly physical and I'm already getting used to it, but I still haven't gotten my sleep schedule in line yet. So right now it's midnight and I'm suddenly half-wide awake/half-sleepy.

Saw your twat Eric about the game you guys almost made. I still don't know why that never happened (I think you said you can't really talk about it) but total bummer :(. I actually think about it every once in a while. I remember the videos of gameplay with your voiceovers that you had on some promotional site.

Speaking of quirky-games, check out this QuickLook for Darwinia+: Video Game Video. I've never played the PC version but I might pick this up because this looks really interesting and fun. I'm just a sucker for heavily stylized games with a unique art style (N+ being one of my favorites.)

Another random thing: I just recently have gotten into nuts! I never liked nuts growing up, but in like the last month or 2, I'm all about eating nuts. Pistachio's are my favorites. Sunflower seeds can eat a dick because I still can't figure out an elegant way to eat them. I just mash them in my mouth like an animal. Still don't like peanut butter though.

Friday, February 05, 2010

See (Some Of) You Guys Tomorrow!

Come by at noon or any time thereafter and we'll get this Warhammering done!

My carpal's acting up a bit, if only I had a fine breast mouse pad! Get me a creepy souvenir, Pumpkin!


Salutations from the land of my ancestors! I am currently stocking up on my supplies of hentacle pron, attending a figure/resin kit con, and visiting relatives.

There is nothing to boost one's self esteem than have everyone think you are retarded because you look like you should understand the language, but all you can do is smile like and idiot and nod your head.

Still, all that shame and self-loathing is washed away thanks to this.

Ah, wrist comfort! Suck it carpal tunnel!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Rude: That is cool that you set up the grouping of our twits, only one problem, your twits aren't showing up on there. Nor are any of Elzar or my twits directed "@PoundRock" appearing. Do we need to set one up and view through each of our respective accounts maybe?

I really have been interested in trying out Assassin's Creed 2. It looks like a lot of fun. I never had a chance to platy the first one. Maybe I'll pick-up a copy. Probably not for a few months though...

So looking forward to WFRP.

hey Eric! I made an Action Team "list" on Twitter of all our accounts which you can follow in one go, so maybe you can make that list the feed on the left ----> instead of our individual feeds. Here it is:
Now sure if it works that way, but consolidates things and might make it easier.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Definitely agree. With the way they made the jumping into puzzle solving it reminded me of Prince of Persia. Even the combat is very simplistic and rudamentary like that. And as we all know, we have to thank Karateka for that on Apple.

I'm just leeching off my roomies Playstation 2. so don't think i'll be getting Mass effect 2 anytime soon =-(
Assassin's Creed 2 is totally awesome. Yeah, I didn't even finish the first one because it was kinda lame and repetitive, but AC2 is awesome till the end. There's some bonus content that just came out for it, but it doesn't really add anything to the main story so I'd prolly skip it.

Mass Effect 2 is still super sweet. There's tons of great asshole moments (and some genuinely funny parts) so you'll like it Petersen.

Monday, February 01, 2010

PS two too

Assassins creed2:
My game time log is around 13 hours and have only played through 35% of Assassins creed 2! Hardly even scratched the surface. Considering it only took 60 hours to level a paladin to level 50 back when wow first came out. Awesome game. Assassins creed 1 wasn't as much fun. Everything got really repetitive, but they really ironed out the concept in 2.

Call of duty 4 (old game) but still fun. About halfway through on that one. This one isn't very long at all and went through it in a couple of hours.

Madden 10
not that great. Why do football games always suck?

Rat Catchers and Grave Robbers

I hope there's a rat catcher in the group! Then we get to use the cool unique subsystem for the Small But Vicious Dog! Sadly there is no Grave Robber career in either the core set or the Adventurer's Toolkit. If your character chooses to pursue a side career as a Ressurrectionist on the side, however, who am I to say aught?

I may be deluding myself, but I think it's pretty unlikely that Aeryk would sabotage any flavor of WFRP... although I will point out that if YOU ruin the game you are in effect getting a "twofer," it would totally destroy both of us.

Hope we have a good time! I think the system will be fun... personally, I like that's it doesn't use a combat grid. That's the main thing about 4e that I don't like. I've always felt that using grids/minis makes the combats less "real" in my head. (Note "real" in quotes, I don't really think that the characters are all actually alive and shit, I won't freak out about Blackleaf if she dies... but DON'T TEST ME ON THIS.)

Anyway, I've done most of my homework on this... probably won't have time to get through the Magic and Priest sourcebooks by then so we might have to lean on Aeryk's extensive knowledge of the Old World to carry us through that stuff.

Re Mass Effect 2: I'm glad it's so good! I'm actually having a lot of fun playing through ME1 again. It feels fresh because I'm doing two things that I have NEVER done in a CRPG before:
1. Skipping sll the bullshit side quests
2. Being a complete asshole. (ie when the blue chick started taking an interest in me, I totally shut her down, to the point of telling her NEVER to look into my past or look at my files EVER again)

Rat Catcher

eLzar, I had totally forgotten about Buttercups. Fucking Ac0sta was evil with those. For some reason I could never get mine to work. Probably a good thing...

Looking forward to some WFRP this weekend. Hopefully we have at least one Rat Catcher or Grave Robber. Then eLzar can proceed to sabotage the game in righteous retribution for all those years of jr0n's irrational habit of derailing any WFRP game before the train even left the station.

Why is it that any time my family is in town, I seem to be slow for a few days recovering from the copious amounts of alcohol consumed. Uggg...

Just stop you're playthru of Mass Effect 1 Jon and get the sequel, it's SO good! Don't burn yourself out on that old noise!