
Thursday, August 20, 2009


- Wifi at starbucks is pretty cool - I got disconnected once after I wrote the first draft of this blog but that was my fault cuz i didn't complete the registration and starbux booted me off their server. But enjoying a naked breeze and doing internet is cool, but it is only limited for 2 hours.

- I flew down to Fremont today and met with a Sr. Engineer manager for a larger router manufacturer. He gave me a project to get me on the AVL list. If I get on, I'm back in Fremont!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sony Skulduggery

So, if you want your nice new PS3 slim to stand vertically, you can buy this fine Sony price gouging accessory. One quarter the way back to $399. What else you got Sony?

I just have to wait for the next one to "fall off" the back of a truck. Maybe I will go over Jon's one night and make his fall off the truck. Yes!

Finally, the PS3 price comes more in line with the other game boxes. We will see how it impacts sales. Personally I think Sony will see a good uptick this holiday season to the detriment of the other console's market share. I dislike the new design, not that the old design was great, because it wasn't, but the new one just looks cheap. The 80GB unit can still be had for $299, although it is bigger... Then again, I do my best to hide game consoles anyway since none of them really do much for my already cluttered living room.


PS3 Slim 120gb - $299

Price drop on the PS3's and the new tiny version comes out like early Sept, so I might be getting me a blu-ray/new game thingy!

See, now I'm really motivated to get a CHEAPER used car and use that extra scrilla on stupid shit like video game machines and tvs - I don't even have a regular tv now!

Enron, hook me up with the same tv deal you did for Jon!

Monday, August 17, 2009

and oh uh

Jael: When I had probs with that Eric sorta walked me through it, but for the most part port forwarding is easy with my router. Maybe he can help you out.

Oh, also: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC - I'm too lazy to dig up a Pennywise pic unless you want one of the bass player by the hot tub :(