
Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Mainland Is Losing One of Its Biggest Pussies

That's gonna be so awesome man. I believe I speak for the rest of us when I say that I for one am jealous as fuck. Please do me a favor and sometime while you're about to nail some hot chick who is sexily removing her coconut shell bra, think "this one's for jr0n."

I propose that we have a "Poi Con" at your place in a few months. We'll play a lot of games you don't even like and punch you in the neck for dessert.
Holy shit, I thought you'd been in Hawaii for at least a month already! Goodluck man! I was playing some Battlefield 1943 on my xbox machine the other night and there was a dude named HAOLEKILLA, no kidding. I instantly thought of you and the dangers you're going to face.


You have to stop answering the door in your tighty whities. It may seem normal to you, but it really creeps people out. That is why your cousin didn't look at you!

T-Minus 5 days until I leave. Reality is sinking in. My players made a memory book for me and I just cried my eyes out. I wish I wasn't such a pussy.
damn.... that's a pretty hard hit. Any physical injuries?
So that means Eric and I have a match? If so, Eric please txt when you are available and I will try my best to get our game done, thanks.

And Johnny, it's more than rear-ended. It's all the way into the back seats, so I have a feeling they're going to total it because undoubtedly the frame is fucked.
Jron, make sure the patch updated. The automatice patch file that it downloads when you first start up didn't work for me. It tried twice, downloaded at around 30kb which took 20 minutes and didn't do anything. I ended up going to Cyanides website and downloaded the latest.015 patch my self and installed it.

What time you want to meet up at? 10?

Day 4: jr0n vs ja-el

I logged into the league and it looks like we are indeed on for a Shadows v. Sturmgruppen rematch! So I'll hit you up tomorrow when I've got a chance to play.

There was a patch (only 30 mb or so, although I remember when that was a MAMMOTH patch, heh). No idea what it did but one thing it DIDN'T do was get rid of the fucking annoying scroll bar in the upper right that constantly tells me I got some kind of star player achievement.
hehe... I'm leaning towards option 1 too. Unless the kid looks like me. To be honest, i haven't seen the kid. hmmm? I mean Michael jackson had illegitimate kids!

Great! let's hook up tomorrow morning. I don't really have anything major planned this weekend. No one seems to be playing though, probably cuz of the accident, which is understandible.

That guy sounds completely bizarre

Unless there's another side to the story that we're not catching here, it sounds like the guy was just being weird and rude. Have you mentioned it to anyone in your family?

Unless the reason for his 2nd marriage is that you seduced his 1st wife or something... then things would be understandable....

Anyway that sounds totally uncomfortable. It sounds like either the guy has bizarre personal problems or has some kind of issue with you, based on your very brief description I'm leaning towards option 1.

Edit: And yeah, I think we've still got a couple games to go. I could probably fit in another one tomorrow morning if anyone is around....


EDIT: oh btw, sorry to hear about your accident. I got rear ended before. The good thing is his insurance co. should cover all of it, and your engine still works so it's just a matter of taking it to the car shop for repairs.


I just had one of those 'queasiness in the stomach and not sure how to react moments'. One of my cousins that I haven't seen for a long time came over to our house to pick up something. He's one of those wierd ones. Extremely quiet, and I mean either between calculating and socially ineptitude (not sure to which pole) but generally quiet towards me. Admittedly i was never close with this guy, and he never talked much towards me, but in the past at least as cousins, there would be exchanges of casual talks.

Well, so he came into our house and I greeted him at the door and looked right at him, expecting at least a return greeting after not having seen each other for years. So I waited, the few seconds that seemed like eternity.... and nothing. He looked down at his shoes? In my mind, I wondered, ok, how much does it bother this guy, that we are semi-relational, entering into MY house, the host greeted him, and he doesn't even bother to greet back or at least wonder 'hey how are you? haven't seen you in a long time'. Basically, I wondered what I should do next, so I just turned around and went into my room.

Admittedly, I wasn't there for his 2nd wedding, and the birth of his kid. I wasn't there in any major events of his family life after our teen years. But then, just to be fair, I don't think the guy was there for me either. Still, it doesn't mean you can't exchange pleasantries with people you are partially family with. Does it? I don't feel it should. Lack of closesness doesn't mean complete estrangement.


anyway, so are we still playing this BB league games or what? There's been no posts at all.

Who's Next??

I'm gonna total you like I totaled Rudy's car! Ohhh shit!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Accidents are teh suckzor. Really sorry to hear that happened to you. Hopefully the insurance process will be smooth and reasonable. When the insurance companies are dicks, it just adds insult to injury.

On the BB front. I have had the game installed on my computator for over a week, but I have been just ruined by the time I get home and over with the day's work/chores. Looking forward to a low key weekend one of these days. Ill try to get a team together and in a game soon.

Someone cut into the lay where I was STOPPED because of traffic and rear ended me hardcore :( Fucking lame.


Are you OK? What happened?
My car got totaled yesterday, fantastic! :( And I just finished paying it off maybe 2 months ago! YAY!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I think the next time I look forward to making after this tourney is a goblin team. I know they're very difficult to succeed with, but they look like so much fun, can't wait. :)

Ryan's Howlee laptop won't run it, but what was dennis excuse again? I'll get you a $20 bootleg copy dude! That shady site refunded all the keys that were banned and now say they've got legit ones, I'll hook u up bro-ham. What about Peter? Even Aaron's friggen brother because I can always just ignore the chat log (and what about AARON!??? - oh, he's betrothaled, right?)
Eric summed up that game pretty much to the dot. I think if I had *bought* those few rerolls as rudy suggested, maybe things would have been different *Sob*. On the good side, I've finally saved up 120k and now have 2 rerolls. I'll be looking for a rematch! Actually i hope the next game is either with Rudy or Eric, as you guys both are 1 man short. Don't know the next matchups yet, the commissionar has to set for Day 4 matchups.
Johnny's the king of chance-taking and the dude has NO REROLLS! Madness, haha. But yeah, your game sounds like a good one, I'll watch it tonight. I'm away from my house but is it now the next "day"? We just back to the rotation, so I'd be playing eric next? I gotta know!

Tough-Ass Game

That game was rough. Good rough, but still rough.

I think I had a dead beastman in turn two, and shortly after than, another two guys KO'd with OOB pushes. Most of the game I was playing with 8 players, but thankfully none of my meatwalls (Chaos Warriors) were knocked out. And seriously, once you have an outnumbered situation with Orcs with Trolls, you are lucky to have more than one guy standing at the start of your turn.

I played pretty conservatively at first, not wanting to F up any dodge rolls and was immediately dismantled by Johnny taking chances at the right times and just killing me. My first drive was foiled with an OOB push that would not be possible had Johnny not been a bit balsy and made some dodges and GFI's, which opened my eyes a bit and made me realize I needed to take those same chances to beat that sonovabitch.

It looked bad when that ball was thrown in behind the Orc lines, in what seemed like a pretty protected location in running distance of a thrower. Almost all my guys were shifted to one side of the pitch, and the throw in reversed everything. I pieced together a rush at the ball from some broken bodies that were on the ground nearby, and ended up recovering the ball, only to lose it again, only to recover it again and run it in for the first TD of the game.

The rest of the game went pretty much the same: throw together a defense and a plan based on what players I had still standing, not surrounded, and not KO'd or dead. I did JUST enough to slow the Orcs down to one TD at the start of the second half.

My second TD was a combination of tying up the Orc heavies away from the ball, punching JUST enough of a hole in the defence to sneak some guys up field, and then capitalizing on an unlikely failed blitz on the ballcarrier. It was just enough to dodge around the wall infront of me, lock the wall down from behind, and protect the carrier upfield.

Orcs almost tied it up at the end of the game by spreading out a balanced attack in the last turn with tons of guys downfield and some nice pass protection for the thrower. I tried rushing the thrower to nip it in the bud, but couldn't get a hand on him, and I thought I had tied up all the receivers. One receiver dodged out, blitzed the guy covering the other one, and *BAM*, a free receiver in striking distance to the goal. The thrower moved into passing position, chucks the ball, and out of nowhere a Chaos Warrior throws his meaty fist in the air and INTERCEPTS THE BALL on a 6+ roll!

Great game!
Yeah, the replay function is awful, but it exists at least, hah. You can even rename the files smokesacock.db and it'll show up in your list. Like I said, you can speed things up a LOT with the + or - keys on your numpad, and the time will fly by, but there's no PAUSE or rewind or anything other than fast-forward. Would be fantastic if you could jump around turns like "go to turn 16" and do that. Whatever - I'll watch it tonight :)

Here's the replay link. Would be neat if we had an area to upload all this like the gaming spreadsheet so the mainpage doesn't get cluttered with replays and adds a password so only AT members have unlimited porn goodness.

ugh... no fast forward buttons... that's soooo bad. Rudy you should write an email on their forum. When you guys were play testing this game, did any of the playtesters notice these things? Or maybe people suggested it, but Cyanide soft eng was too busy drinking coolaid for kids.

The game was so tight. First four turns I had amazing good rolls, I knocked out or immobilized at least 50% of erics guys... but chaos is just so fast (6ma), agile (3ag) and strong w/horns (str4). You can't rule out any one of their guys. At turn 6 my blitzer had a breakaway, score for sure against any other team. Only 1 of erics guy was in range and he was knocked down previously (so i though he had no chance basically). The guy got up, broke away from my tackle zone, and knocked me down with horns. So basically, Agility 3, Double block dice (Str 4) for blitz, and 6 MA. Every single guy has this threat...

just ugh....

This is Jon and I's last game. Eric or Johnny, upload your replay, I'd be interested in watching it. It's in My Documents/Bloodbowl/Saves/Replays . To watch, put it in your replay folder then go One Player - Load - Replays. There's no controls for the replays so kinda sucks - it just plays the whole match (with rolls but no chat record), but you can fast forward pretty fast with the +- keys on the numpad.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

man.... lost. what a game though. 2-1, i'm going to bed... post it tomorrow
Yeah man, I thought that multiple post was like a van damme triple kick or something. Really rub in my rage quitter status. Not that I don't already live with it constantly.

Been a shitty week. Long hours, meetings ALL the fucking time. I'd be looking forward to it being over if it didn't mean I were one week closer to the grave.
I'm like the max headroom of action team. Blood Bo-bo-bowl! Rage qui-qui-quitington!

RE: Jon "Plug-Puller" Ragequitington

From what I understand, if you d/c, rage-quit, plug-pull, the other team gets all the money and spp and you don't get jack except a lower rating on your "reliability" rating. During the beta there was no penalty for just quitting mid-match, but the full version handles that. So, other than being robbed a full game's exp, I don't think you lose much playing in the public leauge. I think it's cool to use to try out different races and f-around.

The cherry-picking has been there since FUMBBL though: "1600 Ork lfg gob/chaos only" - that's always gonna be there. We're busy with our leauges and if we ever get these other guys to get the game, we can have even bigger/longer/harder tourneys going.


I think what you are saying is that FF is worthless now in LRB 5, which it is, and has been since it came out some-odd 3 years ago. Re-rolls have always been more important when you setup a team because they DOUBLE in price once you create your team.

Also, make sure you take the public leagues with a grain of salt and accept them for what they are: a joke. Don't let yourself get mad if you play anyone because from what I understand, at least 50% of the time you will be playing a cherry-picking, rules and bug exploiting tool who will RageQuit if they are losing and have not generated enough SPP's in the game.

The public leagues are worthless, if you don't ever lose sight of that fact you might actually find a fun game here or there - but don't count on it.
Total FF Nerf from LRB4 to LRB5. GG BB aka JJ aka AA. Maybe I should just dig out my Pally from WoW and go back paying the 19 dollar tribute to them instead. I would get just about the same nerf loving there. Rudy was right, should have bought some rerolls. FF wouldn't make a difference in a league. You can probably find some statistic on how many people actually purchase FF cuz probably won't find any in a 2000+ pro league. By the way if you have a rating less than 2000, don't even bother replying cuz youre a noob.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

It was a really fun game. Yeah, I probably am biased because I won, but in general I think I have more fun playing against quick guys like the skaven. A couple of times his gutter runner was so quickly at the end zone but luckily I kept my backfield well stocked with skinks who are also very fast.

Jon kept goading me into "go for its" and I had pretty good luck except this one time when a single GFI would have scored and instead I failed the roll and BROKE HIS FUCKING JAW. It was pretty funny because he was one of my players who leveled up but I can't use him next game.

At least I didn't R.Q.

I had a couple decent opportunities to score, but generally speaking I had a tough time figuring out how to adjust to the Lizardman play style. The combination of super fast skinks and really strong saurus (str 4??) is a potent one. And F that big lizard guy! I just couldn't get a decent plan together... typically my whole turn happened in the last 60 seconds of the turn.

My HORRIBLE armor saves didn't help much either. At one point I had four players badly hurt and one KO. Ugh! This made up for my better than average luck against Aeryk and Ja-el I suppose.

The best part of this game was the first half. We had a crazy back-and-forth (with Rude finally scoring in turn 5). He then almost managed to score AGAIN and would have done so if he hadn't blown his Go For It roll!

At least I was able to purchase a new Thrower to supplement "Broken Back" McGee.

Well played sir!


Who won? Oh, rudy's guys won. GG jon, someday maybe you'll be able to play at my level. Let's hope he writes this one up unless maybe he committed sepuko.