
Saturday, October 11, 2008

random sh1t

I picked up a starter box for a new collectible miniatures game from Privateer Press. I guess they don't quite have all the kinks worked out of their process yet because I got a weird block of clear plastic resin, nicely polybagged, along with everything else that was supposed to be there.


Anyway it's been a while since I posted, but I'm still alive for now. Updates:

1. I don't like my job, and yet, it is hard to find a different job. What a conundrum!
2. Literally every time I am about to start a 401k the economy takes a huge shit in its own mouth. This also happened back in 2001 and in the late '90s. Conclusion: the stock market is for chumps, saving is worthless, get ready to eat cat food in my old age.
3. My sister got engaged. Crazy! She has been dating the guy for a year but I haven't met him yet since I've barely been home. He sounds like a good guy though and my parents are pretty fired up. Fortunately we are meeting at my cousin's combo drunken party/wedding in Las Vegas next weekend. I am fully prepared to play the part of the thuggish brother. I predict a series of events leading up to a high-stakes poker game followed by tearful speeches and reconciliation.
4. WoW has me by the balls again. Borst is almost level 49 and soon after that, the big five-oh! Perfect timing too because a patch with a whole ton of fun new shit is about to drop. The only thing I don't like is that our guild has really gone down the tubes since our change of leadership. Docnorvell has committed nepotism, banking and other war crimes. That's not change we can believe in!
5. Speaking of politics, holy shit the McCain camp is getting desperate and crazy. They are really appealing to the wingnuts. I caught part of a McCain speech this morning and he kept getting interrupted by angry yells and really hostile sounding chants of "U-S-A! U-S-A!" I was also struck by how much older and frailer he sounds since the start of this long ass campaign. I used to think McCain was "pretty cool for a Republican" but he has really not behaved in an honorable way this campaign season. Although, let's not forget, for five and half years he wasn't even able to have a political campaign.
6. I have been having this persistent eyestrain and weird visual effect in my field of vision for five weeks, similar to a mild version of what you get if you press on your eyeballs. The first opthamologist (sp?) I went to said he had no idea what it was and I should just see if it goes away. He also yelled, "You could trying Googling it up, too!" from the other room as he was walking away. The second guy I just went to was a little more helpful. He said it's not an eye problem, basically it is either some bizarre, persistent low-level migraine and I should just load up on ibuprofen for a couple weeks and it will probably go away, or alternatively there is something totally wrong with my brain and this is the first sign of a condition that will cause it to melt into putrescent goo. It is funny how the two guys basically said the same thing but the first guy filled me with disgust at his rank incompetence while the second guy inspired me with his medical derring-do. Anyway we'll see about my brain.
7. I don't have a seventh point, but I'm a bit superstitious about the number six so I just had to add another thing. Oh, I know: I need to take a large shit.

Au revoir!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Equities - Crude oil - I don't get it

Why should this be a commodity that is traded? Should be regulated. So when price of oil was 120+ it was the equity traders pushing the price up? I don't think the demand of oil has changed, in fact if anything the demand of oil usage is still increasing specially for christmas time. Offshore drilling, was that ever the answer.

OPEC has been saying that they were producing enough oil for the world market.

So what's wrong with the scene here?