
Saturday, February 16, 2008


- GenCon files Chapter 11! Lot's of reasons I have not researched nor really care to know about, but bottom line, it is happening and if they make it out clean a whistle, all the better. If not, dark days for gamin.

- Played my first ACW mini's game with my new wargamin' buddy, Frank. We played Fire and Fury, and it was totally fun! He seriously has 1000's of minis of varying scale, theater, etc. in his house. 100's of military books, an 8 x 15 dedicated wargame table. It is my retirement dream come true. There were 4 of us there, so I only marginally learned the rules, but it was cool none the less. I am thinking very heavily about trying to get him into PBI, as I really wouldn't need to buy an army for two people, as is the norm, and in fact, I might not even need to buy/paint an army at all, because he has SO MANY MINIATURES. Good times.

- Drumming is so fun. I love it.

- Rome on HBO was a good show for the two seasons it was on. Leslie and I watched it over the last few weeks. Good stuff. Sorry it was canceled early, but it lets me see what could be in store for Game of Thrones....

- Not sure if it is better than Nip/Tuck... Apples and oranges I suppose. For those of you judging me for liking Nip/Tuck and have not seen it, I humbly request that you watch the first season, or even the first few episodes, and see if your opinions change. It is a ridiculous show, absurd to the nines, and definitely is not pro pretty people or plastic surgery.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

45 Minute Video Game Reviews!

I joined the rental service GameFly recently (similar to Netflix which I also rejoined and is super awesome) so I'm getting a chance to try out a fuck-ton of video games for my XBox 360. These will be in the order that I've rented them:

Assassin's Creed: Horrible. You play an assassin in Medieval Times, but I've yet to see any jousting. And where the hell is the Rope Girl!? Really pretty game (kinda) but just boring as shit and very little "game" to it. It's just tons of fucking running around and really boring fighting. I did I think 3 missions before sending that pile of poop back.

Beautiful Katamari: Pretty horrible too. I know, it's a nichey weird japanese game, but it just seems SO dated and I just couldn't get into it. You roll a ball around picking up things in the environment until your ball is huge and picking up houses n' shit. The demo was sorta fun, but the actual game was really fucking hard and I hated the interface and stupid load times. I blame that on it being an old game, but meh, didn't dig it.

Mass Effect: Pretty alright. I'll rent it again once I burn through some of the games I'm itching to try. I stopped half-way through the Noveria story-line planet. I liked the combat after awhile - pretty cool mixture of FPS with the awesome biotic abilities and strategy. I played a Vanguard. There was plenty that was annoying about it too, but overall I think it's pretty solid.

Devil May Cry 4: I still have this rented out. I think it's really fun. I never played DMC 1-3 but a quick read of the wiki articles on them caught me up on the story, and really, this is an action game, so even though the cutscenes are super awesome and bad-ass, it's not like you need to know what the hell happened in the other games. I hated the demo for this too, so it's weird that I like the actual game so much. It just makes you feel like such a tough guy just kicking ass left n right. And the boss fights are fun.

Culdcept SAGA: Really fucking fun. It is a boardgame/card game hybrid. So the card element really comes off Magic the Gathering-y, while it mixes in a sort of Monopoly element in that you roll a die and race around a board, placing monsters where you land. I guess it's an update of an old PS2 game so there's a lot of people who were familiar with it. The cutscenes are probably the WORST I've ever seen in a video game (pretty much laughably bad - PATHETICALLY bad even) but fuck all that shit. The actual GAME is really fun and addictive. And as you play and win/lose you get cards after every match that you add to your stash so you can build different decks. Just go rent it, it really is rad.

That's about it! 45 minutes later, I warned ya!

4 second review of games I own:

skate. : Perfect.

Burnout Paradise: Fun then boring.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


This one of a kind pro painted conversion features bondage, boobs and hot girl on girl action. Blonde slave girl's bra was painstakingly filed down to reveal ripe breasts. Lelith's legs were lovingly pried apart so that she could straddle the pink haired slave girl.

Monday, February 11, 2008

This is either by Denis, or for Denis

Most Denis-ish 40k conversion evar? You decide!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I've seen pictures from this before (like the Joker "boner" images) but never the whole gallery... it's hilarious. Bizarre, accidentally (or are they?) perverted images from old comics.

Shrek it out!

No new posts in a while...

What's new and fresh vs what's not

- John Rambo - There seems to be a controversy about the goodness of this movie since it was beaten out as the top blockbuster by Meet the spartans in it's premier week, well, let me remove all doubt! It was great in the fashion of 80's and 90's movies but with a touch of today's special effects. Exploding body parts, unsurgical removal of larynx, intestines, head (___fill in body part), are all there. The movie was pretty action packed, not a lot of dialogue, if you remember Rambo is a Sociopath recovering from his war trama's. And the movie was really short.

- Predator Vs. Aliens 2 - Also pretty cool, but i can't say too much on this one. Just enjoy the fighting scenes and the aliens poppin out of tummies. It's almost like a B rated movie like attack of the killer alligators or something.
That's my 1 minute movie reviews of the week. Movies out here spawn generally a week after the US premiers.

- Locked myself out of my car! wow... had to break the window and found out it would cost me about 40 bucks to replace the glass. Always carry a spare key in your wallet (tip)