
Thursday, October 11, 2007

if i wanna look at semen stains, i'll hold a mirror up to my chin.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Congratulations on the move Rudy! Sounds like a good deal. Are you going to be looking at a lot of semen stains?

Lately, I've been entertaining myself with Zelda for the DS (really good) and rewatching Freaks and Geeks. That series is so good. One of those ones that you can't believe was actually on TV. And of course it all ends with an episode where most of the main characters play AD&D. No offense to Battlestar Galactica or Lost but I really can't see that happening in those shows! I really doubt Cylons and sharks and shit have the skills to ROLL-play with the best.

Good times with the Tannhauser/Up Front/Guitar Hero II/Halo III the other weekend Eric. I think I'm going to have some kind of violent board games/minis fest on Saturday the 20th at my place, with some of the board game group dudes attending, so if you can make it, cool! (Goes for Enron and Mike too. Hope we can game this Sunday, it's been forever!)

And oh yeah Eric, one more piece of news and you're not gonna like it I'm afraid. I cracked 200,000 points on Geometry Wars tonight. pwn3d, teabagged, get used to it!
So I got that job transfer. Not a promotion, cuz aint no more money involved (city has pretty regimented standards and procedures for promotions/raises) but its a better location/job. Gonna be workin for SID (aka, real life CSI bullshit.) Brand new building on the Cal State LA campus. Inside looks like how they make police stations look in movies with all the glass offices and cool lighting, etc. Where I'm at now looks like a gross old office building inside. So this Miller Lite, I pour a little out for all my friends who moved to the great gay north.

Slow Season

Heading to Hong Kong tomorrow! Not really for fun though, work mainly. We're setting a booth in the component section. I've been there before as a visitor, it's 70% consumer electronics stuff, TV's, Home Appliances, LED lights, MP3 players. Never really any hot aged nubean succubus's in the game room though. Maybe if they had a few stormtroopers, R2D2s, and Star trek dudes the Tradecon would be more of a hoot.

- Fantasy hockey is quite fun actually. Since autopick was chosen, the predraft pretty much dictated the results for the 1st week, but later as the game goes on some of the draft choices should determine more wins/losses.

- someone from work told me there's a full nude and partial nude bars around. When I get back from the tradeshow, it's time to do some motorboat action bRRRRRR!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

the new Flatliners cd on Fat Wreck Chords is a good punk rock cd. Go, Canada.

Musings: the Collectors Edition

- Has there been any surf at all in the South Bay this summer? It has been still as a lake here, but with some impressive sounding waves -- we can hear them from the house, but when you get there, they are not so much impressive.

- Somehow, and I have no idea how, DocNorvell has been resurrected! I know for a FACT that I deleted him because he never showed up on any realms that I had characters on, and I remember lamenting how he was dead and gone and deleted. Lo and behold, somehow, he was sitting right there, almost as I had left him, but with seemingly some better skills? And I never remember training either pets, but Cleo has all sort of training.

It is a strange feeling of relief and joy to find him alive and well, though again, I have no idea how. I mean, Theride, the first character I made on the wrong server appeared again as well. Strange times indeed. Jon! Log on! Gimme back control of the Action Team!

- Watched some Rugby on VS this weekend. A guy got kneed so hard accidentally in the back of his head, he was knocked out cold and swallowed his tongue. He was fine, but still. Gnarly. Reminds me of when Chris Pronger took a slapshot to the chest, and died on the ice and was then revived. Apparently the theory is that the puck hit him at such a force and at the perfect timing to stop his heart. Weird.

- Tannhauser is fun!

- Denis? Where art thou? Have not heard from in awhile!

- Nice work on the ice, Mr. Lee. I am satisfied with my center of the pack for the first week of play. Still learning my team, and feeling out where they need help.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Lack of posts. People supar busy o' wha'?

Has anyone seen the new Kenneth Burns documentary on PBS called The War? It's all about WWII, in 7 parts and it is seriously some the the most riveting TV I have ever seen. Some of the interviews are chilling as well as some of the imagery. It is on every once in a while, there are seven episodes, two hours each, and it covers both fronts of the war from an American POV. I think it is coming out or is out already on DVD, but check it out on KCET for free! Do it!

So, counting a full day of school on Fridays, and considering that I do not have a day off until this coming Saturday, I will have worked 13 straight days in a row with no time off. Added bonus, the manager for my department has a raging female Napoleon complex.. so I get ragged on every day for lacking initiative and supervising ability despite the opposite being true. It sucks because I get along fine with everyone else that I work woth.. so it's a totally bizarre situation and I can't wait to get my 200 hours in to satisfy my graduation requirement so I can transfer, quit, and/or burn the place down.

Good times.


...to see if Lunarpages sucks dick again....

...they DO!!!!