So GW has been struggling with profits recently, and have been closing some stores etc. I know it was mentioned by someone at ConQuest, or Denis, I can't recall, but their next 40k release is an expansion called "Armageddon"!
I think it means Armageddon for GW and their company if this release doesn't pan out, but the premise is to field massive 40k battles with 100s of models and 10s of tanks, etc. I looked on the website and they are talking about "Armageddon Battle Packs" that include something like 150+ models. Oh yeah, the Baneblade all plastic, but HUGE, tank is on pre-order for $95.
Made me wanna play Warmaster again.
- War of the Ring has decided to return from Iowa and leave her sexy partner, Up Front! Rules 2nd Ed., to hide in a box full of games that was labeled with every other game in the box except WotR. Rejoice! Another game to never play!
- Halo 3 = Meh. Should have picked up Bioshock instead, really enjoyed the demo, but even then, I never really play videogames for very long so the prudent choice would have been to save my money.
- XBOX LIVE ARCADE: I enjoy this fairly well. Geometry Wars is pretty fun, and I am really close to picking up Doom for some reason. Not much else on their is really tickling my fancy, but I do like the concept for the download-able movie rentals. neat premise and with such a long time to watch it is an interesting move me thinks. I also like the demos.
- XBLA D/L DEMO: Skate. is a much more techinical and realistic companion/competitor to the Tony Hawk franchise which I MIGHT think about picking up. Though it might be too technical for my tastes, it is still interesting and looks cool. Very similar to TH, but 'grown up' gameplay I guess?
- Thinking about taking on Fire and Ice again. At SC Panzergammengruppe I mentioned that I started it prolly 4 times, and never got past the first 200 pages and they said the same thing all the AT has said, "Push past those pages, and enjoy!" So, I think I might. This topic came up after I refused to play Game of Thrones because of the Diplomacy like aspects. Way to be flexible, new guy.
- Enjoyed a few solo games of Up Front this weekend.
- Found a ruleset addition (subtraction) to ASL that strips almost everything and makes a simple fun set of rules that lets you play with all the ASL goodies you own, without the 300 page rulebook! I played that one solo this weekend too and had some fun.
- Hey 360 Jon: Wanna take Oblivion (with cheat book) and Dead Rising off my hands? Cheap!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Yeah, I wish I was inherited rich like that too but he's also a bit of an oddball, frankly speaking. He has no job, but indirectly he's like a full time PR for the family. He runs around the place doing "favors" for high level officials, senators, congressmen, and greases the wheels, so whenever he needs a "favor" back things gets done. One day we went to 6 different churches (different religion) because he believes in the deity of all form of worships...
Went to the Mall with the girl I'm sorta seeing. Had some yellow cab pizza today which all in all only cost me 14 dollars. (It's alot in local currency for lunch). Anyway, the pizza pie was alright, learned some interesting history, that pizza pie was invented in 1904 and then in WWII some GI's returned from europe, making pizza to share and becoming pizza as we know it. As I was saying, it was ok, I like Jabba Hut the best still, but they had a Charlie Chan noodle which was really really good. Interestingly I think it tastes a lot like a schezuan stir fry noodle I had before... but they used spagetti noodles. It was pretty good, u guys should try some if you get a chance. Do they have yellow cab in SF?
Went to the Mall with the girl I'm sorta seeing. Had some yellow cab pizza today which all in all only cost me 14 dollars. (It's alot in local currency for lunch). Anyway, the pizza pie was alright, learned some interesting history, that pizza pie was invented in 1904 and then in WWII some GI's returned from europe, making pizza to share and becoming pizza as we know it. As I was saying, it was ok, I like Jabba Hut the best still, but they had a Charlie Chan noodle which was really really good. Interestingly I think it tastes a lot like a schezuan stir fry noodle I had before... but they used spagetti noodles. It was pretty good, u guys should try some if you get a chance. Do they have yellow cab in SF?