
Saturday, March 03, 2007

"This Hat is a tough hat" - eLzar
"Proud to be a 'Merkin" - Dubya
New Action Team Vocab/Grammar

I propose that when something is, say 'neat', and that something is a 'hat', then we should say, 'This hat is a neat hat". That way, we would be like our president when he was referring to the tornado that killed 8 students in Alabama.

"This storm is a tough storm" - Dubya
I really enjoyed Casino Royale too. I found it much in the same vain as the originals with Connery. Daniel Craig makes a very good bond and the transition away from the reliance upon tech gadget after tech gadget. Plus the pacing was much better. Less action is often more. The past couple were of the mind set that if they could put 120 minutes of action into a 100 minute movie, they would have. Uggg....

My Google account gets maybe one spam every three months, but my hot mail account is something like 3 or 4 hundred a day. My TenD6 account get pretty well blasted, although Thunderbird is pretty good about filtering 99% of the spam.

damn just watched Casino Royale and that shit was awesome! the beginning was straight-up jackie chan movie. WOW! Only bummer was its pretty long - like 2 1/2 hours! ANd starting it around 11pm wasn't so smart, but highly recommended. I haven't seen a bond movie since the one where duran duran or depeche mode did that song for it. And there was a lame blimp sequence in it with grace jones - thats all i remember. So I missed like 2 or 3 different bond guys since then. Anyways this new one is the cats pajammers!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Maybe I get 5 tops a day. I'm pretty hardcore about flagging stuff in Gmail and my junk folder there is pretty empty. My other email addy (the one from my provider) is the one that gets the occasional stock market ones - the ones with all the weird text then stock info on pills or something ehe.
Really? I probably get 100-200 spams a day on my yahoo account that I've had for 10+ years. Lots of offers for free (not free) shit, mortgages and other scammy-stuff.. with a bunch of cam-girl invitations, lots of pharmacy shit and a handful of the porn spammers. Funny, though.. on the occaison that I actually open a sex-spam mail (who could resist finding out what fgukcing on a sgofa is all about?), usually the header is NO indication of what's inside. Thankfully, about 99% of them are auto-sorted into the spam folder. But, I still skim the contents of the folder briefly to make sure that real mail hasn't been accidentally marked as spam.. so I get to read some of the more ridiculous headers and well.. they make me laugh!

I really dont get much spam anymore! :( But it's ALL about stocks or something!?!?! I don't understand it anymore.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Best spam email header of the day:

Lhonghaired Blonde Fpucks Her Fwirst MONCSTERCOCK On Sgofa

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Elzar, as long as you don't home school Wylie, I think you are on the right track. Nothing says, "Gonna be a social miscreant" than home schooling. How many primary schools are there in SC? BTW, please tell me SC is what I think it is and not that you got a sudden case of Yeehaw and decided to move to South Carolina.

jr0n: That cactus is right, Seasons rocks, but Reign is teh shitZor. An order eh? I am not sure if I need anything at this time. Lemme stew and see if I can find anything I need. When are you planning on ordering?

hogwarts. duh.
Goddamn! I just got hit with a minor panic attack over which school Wylie is going to be attending 5 years from now, which is weighing heavily on where we are looking to move in SC.

WTF? When did I have to start worrying about MY KID'S schooling?!?!?!
i had a slayer craving a few months back and dl'd em ALL and it was like WAY too much slayer so I never listened to it. Same with misfits. Got their discography and it was like danzig overload.
War Ensemble

Is one of Slayers strongest songs. Evar. AMAZING live! Hallowed Point is a classic too. While that is all nice and good, Reign in Blood is teh quintessential Slayer, and really speed/thrash metal album of all time. Do yourself a favor, rock out with your cock out with Tom Araya and his whimsical band of goofy misfits as they journey down a road visiting magical songs along the way, on the path to Reign in Blood.


Eric "Teh Asshole Hesher" Hess
What about Seasons in the Abyss? A guy at work lent that to me. Seems sufficiently loud.

I have another riddle:
Q: What is the sound of one hand clapping?
A: Eric is a hesher.

Myke/Enron: Interested in placing a warstore order with me? I think it is about time.
ok time to out myself: here's my myspace page for my music. Eric brought up myspace the other day so figured it was safe 2 show u guys now. thx 4 da add
Riddle? you guys are worked, i'm telling you it was the crack whore smoking the crack pipe! and erics riddle is

1) erics an asshole
2) because ... he's smokin the crack with the crack whore!

now wheres ma dolla biatch?
oh you didn't see the riddle eric!? here's a riddle for you then:

Q: Why is Eric asshole?
A: Because.
Hmmm. I guess I didn't see that there was any riddle at all. Seemed pretty clear to me. Maybe El Camino DID pay off!
Aaron nailed it, and wins the Eric Hess Grand Prize Hot-Oil Massage.

Essentially, what gets kooky there is that you have to subtract the 2 buxx, not add them in when you're trying to figure it out. Nothing gets past the Rope!

Monday, February 26, 2007

i cheated and googled that riddle while at work and the first thing I found was some guys explanation that the clerk had the extra dollar. It made no sense, then I read all the others and theyre all "this is why you dont mix expenditure with profits" or some other malarky.

Reign in Blood is teh best Slayer album to date. It is non-stop action from start to finish, and does not disappoint. Once you have achieved Reign lvl 5, then I can give you some OTHER awesome loud stuff that will tickle your fancy. That is, unless you are too poncy to make lvl 5. N00b!
Reign in Blood is often considered the best thrash album of all time. It kick ass. Do it.

There is no other dollar. The office received 25 (30 - the 5 given to the jArk assistant) not 27. 27 paid by the three dudes - 2 skimmed by the jArk assistant equals 25 net received at the office.

Turkish Star Wars... Gold. That had a production cost of roughly one dollars more than Rhino Fury. BTW that is where the last dollar went in the eLzar gypsy reality.

At the end of the day each man paid nine, the manager paid three, and the employee of the month made two. So there is no missing dollar.

What's the best Slayer album? I'm in the mood to listen to some loud music! Maybe I will find Eric's old cut-off hair and wear it as a toupee, and wear one of his old shirts as well.
Smoke and Mirrors

Don't try and fool me with your Gypsy ways, you Gypsy. All dollars are accounted for and don't try and tell me any different, you Gypsy. One to man 1, one to man 2, one to man 3, 2 to bellhop. Thats five dollars, you Gypsy.

Damn dirty Gypsies.

dollars with the crack whore that was smoking crack outside their room and needed the dolla' for her habit.
A riddle for everyone:

Three men check into a motel and pay $10 each for a total of $30. They complain to the office that their room wasn't clean and so the manager says he'll send someone down to take care of them. So, he sends an office assistant down to the room with $5, but he realizes on the way to the room that there isn't any way to split that $5 evenly between the three men, so he pockets $2, and gives each of the men a dollar back when he gets there for their trouble.

Now, that means each man has paid $9, for a total of $27, and the office-assistant pocketed $2. Where's the other dollar?
Also: Turkish Star Wars ? Wow.. just.. wow.
If this doesn't cheer you up, I don't know what would:

Teaspoon Slide Guitar

Sunday, February 25, 2007

me singing to our friend Jordan Rickets!

Friendster! A friend told me about it a long time ago so I signed up but I never really used it. But looks like I'm there for e-ternity! :)

Added: This is a rad sweater! click! These guys also do all the WoW clothing. Wonder if its an ok company to order from. This one is every sweeter! Might have to buy sumtin!