
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Per LESLIE'S request:

Hush (NC-17), WIP

Draco loses his hearing and part of his eyesight after surviving the Avada Kedavra curse, and ends up developing a talent that he never thought he possessed. rape, forced incest, twincest, character death

That was a quick google of "draco/harry". :( Hahaha /cry
Even though I'm up for work at about 5am everyday, I'm far from concious enough to ever call Eric at 8am on a regular basis. It's like I feel "awake" at work around 10am and then I'm DONE after lunch. Just FINISHED.
I absolutely guarantee you at least an 93% chance that Eric was, in fact, conscious at 8am in the morning. So, just to prove my theory, I commission you to call Eric at 8am in the morning for 100 consecutive days, logging your results.
1 of my favorite things to do on a saturday is update the Wiki! :) ... oh wait. :(

6 times this morning I had to go to the bathroom. I went drinking last night and got hammered.

6 margaritas! And it was a happy hour dealy, so they had "combos" like a shot of Suaza and a tecate (in a can, eww) for six bucks.

8 this morning I was right next to your house eric! watching you sleep! Nah, went for an oil change at the ez-lube close by. thought about calling you, but then was like, nah, he aint up at eight!
I can't sleep so I thought I'd simultaneously cheer myself up and wear myself out by calculating my fat tax return.

Feds: owe me sixteen bucks.
Governator: owes me 68 cents.

I plugged "16.68" into google to see what comes up and what comes up? "Chapter 16.68 RCW: Disposal of dead animals." Oh, shit, what does it all mean? I bet I'll start seeing the number 16.68 everywhere! It's gonna be like that super-creepy looking Jim Carrey movie! And oh, fuck, in the year 1668 is when the Triple Alliance of 1668 was formed! And the year the British East India company conquered Bombay! And tomorrow I'm going to work with a bunch of Indian people.

Shit dudes, it's all getting fucking CRAZY. I'm going to bed.

Teh Wiki Wiki Teriyaki Was Fun For A Second

But now that no one has updated the wiki in like totally forever, and I don't want to pay anymore money on features that disable ads, it is time to revert back to the ole stopgap solution, and really I should never mess with this again, unless I want to make it prettier. It is fairly obvious to me now, FINALLY, that the blog is loved as a blog, not as a portal, or a wiki, or any other kind of website, so I should stop wasting my time and money on either!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Just in case you internet bots hadn't caught this yet:

24: Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Damn that's a smokin' picture

Aww yeah, Draco/Harry slashfic. I'm all riled up now. Myke and Enron, are you up for a three-way on Saturday night?


Dude it's Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy! Nothin sick about them, they are 2 very popular characters FYI.

It was either Jon or Something Awful that linked to some harry/draco fanfic and the story was like Harry Potter was being a male prostitute on Daigon Alley bahahaha. I forget what was up with Draco but it definately involved fucking Harry.

Anna-Nicole Smith is dead! This was pretty funny. Like within minutes of her death ppl defaced her Wiki. I lawl'd.
Does it mean I'm a homophobe if that picture makes me a little naseous?

In other news: I've secured passage on a winged bus to the areopuerto de San Francisco. I will be in attendance for the GDMFC along with L. Rock Hubbard.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Elzar : When you get to the hotel, Roto-Rooder may want to snake your plumbing.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I'm not sure, but I think Rood just volunteered to be the "engine" on the man-train?

You provide the air-fare, I'll provide the mix-tapes for our trip! Do it!!!

Rudy and Eric save money on hotel beds. -____-

Monday, February 05, 2007

You Bastards!

From the Consimworld forums, posted by the game creator:

"For those folks in the SF Bay Area Endgame's next Combat Commander day is next Sunday, February 11 from open-'til-close. John Holme, Will Green and myself will each have new scenarios on hand if anyone is interested in earning some "playtester points""

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Action Team is Like the Illuminati

We are insidious, rich beyond anyones wildest dreams, and have ways of inserting ourselves in the general public in ways no one would suspect...

Action Team Attack!
I think the most informative comment in the dice thread was "This study fails to account for the importance of the roll or the weapon being fired and its effect on the roll."

Definitely food for thought. I had never even briefly considered that rounding the corners might affect the statistical distribution. That guy has offered to post his full data. I'll probably check back and see if he delivers.

I'm not sure what effect rolling all the dice in a batch would have, but I think it would just introduce more chaos into the process. That is almost just another experiment.

Still haven't played Combat Commander. Work is going to be fucking me over for at least the next month so I doubt I will have a chance to play it for a while. Looking forward to it though!

3D Space Hulk is kind of a misnomer in that the regular Space Hulk is already 3D. I propose he change the name to "Space Hulk Extreme" or "Space Hulk: Outrageous!" In either case it is pretty bad-ass.
Elzar, that is insanely sweet. I really like space bulk. That is even better than the Aliens set we saw at GenCon 2000.

No Combat Commander yet. I have been playing sick commander and Jon has been playing work commander.

Good Ole' Celsius

You know if it includes dice and statistical information, Enron will be there with bells on!

Also, this man and his project are both my most loved gay-crush and my nemesis at the same time.

Anyone play any Combat Commander yet? I did!

Your blog pic is my favorite so I got totally inspired inbetween commercials to animate it!