
Saturday, July 02, 2005

Went to the Block with Mr. and Mrs. Hess and family today. Went to eat at Alcatraz Brewery and bit the shit out of my finger while eating a french fry.

In other potentially damaging news, I did a belly flop off of a diving board the other day, and I am still tasting blood sometimes. I think I may have damaged my sinuses. Good times.

I also got a job teaching at the middle school again. Not exactly what I had in mind, but a job nonetheless.

Congrats Mike! Nevar a doubt.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Put those suckers together Hessel! We'll definitely get some man-jo-elephant action going when I'm in town. End of July, or first month of August, I should be around for about a week....

Perhaps in sympathy pains with Mr. Hemoglobin H. Hessel, I've been having painful back twitches for the last two nights. I am super paranoid that I'm going to get the "arrgh! now I get to walk around at a 45-degree angle all day" back agony that I got a year ago. Shit. Email me some Vicodin man.
6mm Hell

Okay, so for no more than my own personal fun and exploration, I have ordered two starter armies for DBA from Baccus. I got me some Macedonians and Indians, so there will be phalanxes and elephants throwing down! Exciting! After shipping, the cost of the armies is actually about $45 for the Macedonians, and $50 for the Indians because of the elephant miniatures. That breaks down to the equivalent of roughly 5 units of Warmaster, or one Blood Bowl team, or one hardcover D&D book, or one Space Marine. So there you have it. There is a new version of the DBA rules that I need to get a hold of, and then I will be ready to rock. Hopefully I will be able to paint up both armies shortly, or wrangle a certain burrowing, J-Pop lovin', chit hatin' fellow into painting one of them up for me....

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Athenian Elves!!!!!!
Hey Pumpkin, my advice is to take advantage of the construction to build yourself a secret passage and convenient hidey-hole. Perhaps you can even set up a peephole to check out the ladies' room, Jay-style? And do build a spare cabinet for your most precious miniatures.

Elrock MacPherson: I dunno 'bout all these rules man, you tell me what to buy and I'll buy it! $40 is reasonable for an army. Maybe I could even use my Warmaster chariots. You know, the Chariots of Glue.

Enron: Have I mentioned lately that it would be awesome if you read the Necromunda rules??? I'd like to get some gaming going maybe weekend after this one, what are your general plans? If nothing else some minis stuff or something. Game on! PS I found out that you can buy Beamish for a fairly reasonable price at Beverages & More. I am a happy beer-swilling camper now.
Dr. Mike, felicitations! Just promise you won't start wearing tweed jackets with elbow patches.

Vietnam war and chit games? Those are my most favorite things right after slicing off my nipples with a cheese grater! yay

Life working across from Facist Island could be worse. Luckily, I'm carpooling with a few of the guys. Though one realizes how much the company appreciates you when they only made our department move to the new place while there is still construction going on. From this cubicle (temporay of course. Testers will eventually only get a table in a segregated room) I can see the drywall being installed in front of me. There's plastic sheeting on the carpet and half the floor is still being built. The real employees get to move towards the end of July. Cocksucking bastards... (yay Deadwood! It's improved my vocabulary a thousandfold)
...Crickets, crickets.....

- I'm temporarily obsessed with wargaming right now. I'm soloing this fun Vietnam game, Lock N Load that is HEAVILY based on Squad Leader, but easy peasy. The same system is coming out with a WWII version soon enough, actually maybe in time for Origins, which I think is next weekend? When everyone is rich we should go to that con too. And as far as ASL goes, it looks like the starter kit #1 is all I'll be playing forever. The first true ASL module is OOP, and the guys at Multimanpublishing are dragging their feet on reprinting it. Also, the rulebook remains OOP. Strange marketing strategy to alienate any potential new customers, no?

I'm also starting that UCLA extension class "Entrepreneurship and New Venture Formation" tomorrow, so that will probably become my next obsession. Hopefully, I won't find out that I haven't any business acumen and have been deluding myself and my apparent grasp of anything practically related to business is useless after all.

- So Mike, what are you up to now that you are all PhD'd out?

- Johnny? How the factories and whores treating you?

- Art. I'll call you tomorrow, got your message, and that sounds good, FINALLY!

- Rudy? "Can't blog, gotta, play, Battlegrounds..." What's up wit choo?

- Enron. Nice pics!

- Jon, what era are you interested in ancients gaming? I'm thinking Baccus 6mm is the way to go with it either way. So cool, and so small! I got the Warmaster Ancients book and it looks cool, but its the same as Warmaster, so that means lots of buying figs. Though at 6mm, it is very inexpensive. Something like $40 for a pre-packaged 1000pt army!

- Denis, how's Fashion Island treating you?

- Rdub. I got nothing to say to you. Nothing. Gym? Sometime?

... Crickets, crickets....

Sunday, June 26, 2005


This turd finally got off of his ass and updated the Actionshots site to include some more recent photos. Kubla '05, Socal '04, Road trip of deth and Jon's depravity. Check them out.
