
Thursday, February 10, 2005


Gotcha. We've got a crew of C++ guys, and some that are especially fluent, but they won't be available for decent man-hours for a few weeks.. and so I was thinking maybe some of you computer types might be up to speed. No worries!

Aaron, you get a chance to dig through that modelling software yet? DO EEEIIIIT!


E-to-dah-Hizzle.. funny.. I was writing this while I was talking to my customer on the phone and you called my cell. Fantabulous! I will call you back in about 10-15 mins as I leave this place to stuff my face.
Misc Debris

Ry: Your in! Kewl, a two man Guild.

O: My C++ is perhaps leess atrocious than Elzar's but mine is still pretty weak sauce. Also I have AT&T and my reception is pretty good. Ceratinly better than T-Mobile. BUT the big but is what city you live in. What works great in one city sucks in another. T-Mobile was pretty good in LA, but when I moved to SF, reception was suXoRz. Johnny seems to complain a lot about his AT&T but, I get fine reception not 40 miles from him. So iguess you should ask some LV friends if they have AT&T.

E: You know I feel the same way everytime I make it on to campus with Aimey. I like the enviroment in a lot of ways, but I cringe when I remember the busy work and the manditory Cl-Asses you have to take. Being around a lot of young people with a lot of time is a lot of fun though.



Well.. my role thus far has been of two parts.

The Business side has been about establishing Warpigstudios as a legal entity and filing all the appropriate liscensing/registration paperwork to make that so.. and about structuring the nature of Warpigstudios' relationship with the workerbees via an Independent Contractor & Non-Disclosure Agreement. Some folks get paid up front like artists and piecemeal modellers, whereas some folks are being paid on the back end as a percentage of a "profit pool" in a ratio established by the amount of work put into the project in comparison to the total work submitted by the team/project on the whole so as to be as fair and as equitable in distribution/payment as possible.. all of which is contingent upon the project making a net-profit.

The second hat I wear is more of the creative-side.. coming up with game systems and environmental questions/solutions. Pretty soon, as my free time increases, I'm going to be a P.R. fella spending an hour or two a day surfing Al Gore's Intarweb and spreading the good cheer that is BadgeOfBlood.. and another couple hours a day trying my hand at some of the artwork, modelling and skinning stuff.. assuming I can learn the tools, at any rate.

What did you have in mind?


P.S.. I'm working on figuring out the best way to get Aaaaaaaroneous up here to WA to road-trip down to Vegas with me around mid-March-ish. Anyone so-interested is more than welcome to make it.. but I dunno if my tax-return will stretch far enough to pay for any extra airfare. We could probably make pitstops in SanFran and L.A. to drop people back off, so a one-way ticket is all that would be needed me thinks. Anyway.. if anyone is interested, please perform the truffle-shuffle, video tape it, host it, and post the linky in this blog as application for admission.


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Infact, I am terrible at C++

So, the trip to SF was a success, and I had an nice time up there. I ain't gonna lie, sleeping in my own comfy bed and listening to nothing but the sweet breathing of my wife was a might bit bettar than the hardwood floor/futon and *ahem* log sawing of my brothers in arms. But enough of that, on to some other stuff:

- It was nice to be in SF where there are probably less republicans per capita as there are black people in Manhattan Beach. Kudos to the cookie shop with the poster of what could only be described as "probably a gay man" wearing a huge necklace that said "bitch" on it, with the byline: Don't be a bitch, wear a condom".

- I have pulled in the reigns on my WoW playing. It is a sickness. And I am actually pretty bored with my character and his position in life right now. I made an undead rogue "Pierre" on a PVP server, and he is fun to play as a diversion from good ole Doc. Hopefully, or not, I will get over my boredom and return to Dalaran glory just as Aaron's Brother hits 54th level....

- I went with Leslie to her school today, Long Beach State, and it was a strange sort of homecoming. I was filled with nostalgia as well as dread as I sat and had some coffee on campus. I missed being surrounded by fresh faced youth, missed the irresponsibility that is expected of you as a student, and yet could not be happier that the grind of college is over for me. Of course, I also missed the thrill of learning and the comroderie of spending time with lots of people mostly my age, and thought about going back for a second BA in something more useful than Studio Art...

- Picked up the Mitch Hedberg CD's today and the Metallica DVD. Both good. One funnier than the other.

- Rudy, the v3.5 link is here.

- Arthurian Cycle (aka Art), I would like to talk to you about EXACTLY what you do as a business manager for a non-business entity and exactly what that entails and what exactly your agreements are with all your employee/investors. Please prepare a 50 page document detailing my questions. I expect a response by tomorrow around 1pm. I ask this cause I got an idea for something similar to what you are doing and want to know more!

Any of youse guys good with C++ ?

Aaroneous: Trying to game-plan for the whole move-road-trip idea.. but I'm not 100% sure how it's going to work just yet. I've got some ideas to bounce off of you, but I'll have to give you a call.. maybe when I'm stuffing my face at lunch today. Go go gadget cell phone.

P.S. Cell phone question.. thinking about switching to Cingular (from defunct AT&T) but they're on the new GSM system which seems to have shit for signal strength, despite advertising the opposite... anyone have experience/knowledge on this? Will the right phone make GSM work, or am I better off sticking with old tech and stronger signal? Feh.
I never learned my AA BB CCs godgod damnitdamnit!

Man - for those who haven't heard it, here's the cd that had us crackin up on the drive up to SH: Mitch All Together by Mitch Hedberg - comes with a dvd of his comdey central special too - gooood stuff! :)


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Enron, I'm in!

O: I totally forgot to call you back the other day. I will call you tonight. Sorry man. Also I think we should start our own non-WoW guild. Ry and Motobyke can join too.


Monday, February 07, 2005

Countdown to freedom:

Two and a half weeks to go until gainful unemployment status. Man, time seems to really be accelerating! I wish I had WoW. I want to be in the Guild too!


No! We're all still on the blog - its just me jon and eric see each other kind of a lot online, so maybe our output is a *little* lower - mine anyways!

Had an awesome weekend up north with you all! Thanks for hosting Jon, and thx for coming by Aaron and Jael! It was a blast - I couldt TOTALLY see myself living up there and I used to never think i'd like it before. Definately too pricey for me right now (im barely scraping by down here with support from the folks) so I don't know how I'd live up there, but it was pretty cool up there. Plus, saw so many hot chicks, DAMN! I know we got the best ones here in LA, but maybe the concentration is better up in SF!

Mike! Good to hear from you man. You need to write a short story about your life right now, cause I don't know exactly what you're up to or even where you're at! I *might* be down to become a pirate, but I'll need a few days to think about it - will let you know fer sure.

JAeL: Dude! If you get the game, join the server: DALARAN . There's another one with a close spelling, so make sure u pick the right one! Also, once yer in (if ya do it :)) our names our:
Push O to pull up yer social window and add us to yer friends list - I dont remember aarons brother's characters name, but he'd be a lot of help im sure.

alright mangs!

Hey Mykal!

Whassup man! it's now only you and me on the blog and occassionally aron. Everyone else is in an exclusive guild on Worlds of Warcraft. And unfortunately I think I'm brainwashed by rudy this weekend. I'm going over to frys and picking up my copy of Wow tonight and hopefully they'll let me join thier illustrious guild organization! yay!
(with my luck though, everyone will quit the game right when I join)

So when r u getting back?


Job Hunting Sucks!

Sorry to hear about your job hunting woes Aaron, what a lame thing to happen. I too am in the jobless and seemingly unemployable bracket, so... if you're interested a couple of my friends here and I are planning to become Pirates instead of working. Long salty hours, lots of rum drinking, wenching, etc. We figure the only acceptable place is the south China seas now, and we'll board boats shipping manufactured goods from China, and then hock them on E-bay. Let me know -- Aaaarrrrrr!

Here, the pace seems pretty much the same as ever... preparing for lectures etc. At least I'm not working weekends as much anymore!

BTW, anyone else interested in the pirate gig is also welcome!
