
Friday, January 28, 2005

Oh man.. comedy GOLD..

A very solemn occaison indeed.. Dick Cheney represents the U.S. of A with dignity and sincere respects paid to the victims of the holocaust at the 60th anniversary of Auschwitz concentration camp closing.



Your Bobby McFerrin address should have the fix-it instructions now.



Sent a reply to ya which is basically a cc to John asking what the dilly is. I'm thinking that you just need a new key code but I dunno about all that server-setting stuffola.

BTW.. go register on the badge forums and say hello so you can get access to the dev forums!

Thursday, January 27, 2005


Wow Ry. Sorry to hear about the female problems. Let me give you a hint that I have given to Johnny a hundred times, although he doesnt seem to heed it anyway: Never date Women in their early 20s. They are not ready for shit and they dont know what the hell they are doing. Good example? Lets just put it this way, my sister is now dating a drug dealer. Fucking brilliant! What the Hell? My bonehead brother has a more brains than that, and he's an idiot most of the time.

Ragnar: I actually have had the software since just before I left for LA, I have just been getting a chance to try and work with it. No luck yet. I just shot off an email asking Art a question about why I can not launch the program. I donno, maybe I can work well with 3d design, maybe not. Also, any roleplaying is interesting to me. Besides perhaps Art, I think I have the longest running dry spell for roleplaying in the group (Among those who actually care to roleplay) dating back to early/mid-2002. I was so lame at one point I resorted to spending whole work days rolling up D&D characters and fleshing them out.


Donald Gibb: "Nerd!"
I found this amusing...


Without reward or hope thereof

Remaining your affectionate husband until death

(With/by) Impulse of patriotism and love of country

I am well at present


I am among the living

The Yanks

More here, along with a lot of other silly things.
Hey, thanks so much for that! You can only vote once every 24 hours, I think it tracks by IP address. I do my click in the morning when I get up and check email and hit it again when I get to work. Hehe..

When we get the role-playing end of Badge of Blood ready for testing/publishing I'm going to make sure you guys get a copy to beat up a bit if you're interested! Hell, being that I'll not be working March-August I might even get to come visit you guys in South/North bay often enough to get some gaming done in person!

Things are going pretty well with the software FPS project.. We have three programmer fellas with lots of experience signed on for it. One was on the AIM development team, another has been a lead project guy over at the Target:Hanoi simulation and the third dude is a astrophysicist/programmer from Denmark. Yeehaw!

The artists we've contracted with are just starting to submit their first sets of finished sketches. Our back-history timeline and geo-political landscape is being flushed out as we speak by our writers and the RPG is progressing.. albeit slightly slower for uncertainty as to what system we're going to be using for our universe. Unless we get some kind of confirmation back from Jackson Games here pretty quickly, we're likely going to just develop our own flavor and pursue a publisher/distributor when the time comes.

What we still need are people that can do 2d/3d modelling and/or are willing and able to design and develop map levels. *nudge* *nudge*


Anyhow.. thanks a ton again for the support! One click a day is all we ask. Hehe.

(Less than a month to go amonst the world of the employed!)


Speaking of whoring..

If you fellas have nothing better to do and would like to help me out with a 30 second daily task.. visit the www.badgeofblood.com website and click on the MODDB linky which says "support us" on it? Once at the moddb website, create a login and have it remember ya. Then, evey time you click the "support us" image/linky on our website, it gives us a bump up in the top 100 listing. If you have a spare moment, it'd be greatly appreciated! If not, no worries.. but it never hurts to ask for a little support/help.



Pimp of the year!

Sorry to hear it Ryan. Women, can't live with them.. can't have masturbatorial fantasies without them. Well, unless you're into sex with livestock, inanimate objects, or Captain Brown Eye anyway. I whole heartedly recommend a year's subscription to Maxim magazine to cure your woes.

I leave you with the immortal words of Flyguy, Pimp of the Year:

Bitch better have my money,
Not some, not part, but ALL my cash.
Bitch better have my money,
Through rain or sleet or snow.
Or I'm going to put my foot straight up her ass.

Chin up, brutha.. you'll be back in the game before ya know it.


Sorry about your women problems Ryan. I hope that you don't give up on them entirely (although I guess you could turn to guys, which would be cool, because your partner probably wouldn't mind if you played lots of video games). Anyway, that's tough. Sorry.

Earthdawn, the best game ever

Ah, the game that Hemo once aptly named "The FASA Juggernaut" has re-entered my life. I'm gonna run this game for my roommates and possibly Aaron (you in?) in a month or so. Basically, despite only running this game twice in my life I love it. I know that the few times we played it we never really got into what is so cool about the setting (although Eric's windling Gleek and Rudy's warrior Shlelvor Kull were pretty cool), but somehow I internalized the entire setting and rules set, so even though I haven't touched the game in years, it's all coming back really quickly.

To show the extent of my desire to play RPGs, I recently had a dream in which I was trying to get all of you guys together for a campaign. It was basically a Blues Brothers "let's get the band back together" -type series of miniquests to get everyone in. I had to do a line of cocaine with JP, etc.. I woke up with a vaguely sentimental feeling.

I know there's at least one other Earthdawn fan in the house. C'mon Denis, let's hear some love. I mean, riverboat lizardmen in dashing hats! A dozen pages of complex magical theory! What's not to like!?
Skull fuck all bitches. I am never getting involved with any girl again as long as I live. Sweet alcohol, please help me pick up the shattered pieces of my life and move on.

Goddamn it. Seriously!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Sorry you're still feeling grody Enron. I imagine that was a treat for whoever you were next to on the plane as well. It's all gonna turn out like that movie Outbreak, but you're gonna be the monkey!

If only there were some way you could hang out with your friends even while you're sick... maybe through the power of computers... in some magical, online world perhaps? And even your brother would be there? WoW, how magical that would be!

OK I'll stop.

I've been pretty good lately but the noose is really tightening on me financially. It's been a blast not having a job but 4 months o' joblessness is starting to exact a grim and wearying toll on me pocketbook. I've been sending out lots of resumes to lots of jobs that I'm qualified for. Let's hope one of them hits soon!
Sick of it all

Okay, so I got sick last tuesday night and then posted that I felt better wednesday. I was a bit premature in that estimation. I got sick wednesday late night and stayed sick all week. Sweats, Chills, Fevers, Chest Congestion, Coughing, Head Congestion, Runny Nose, etc... Just would not give up. Well Yesterday was the first day that I felt good enough to get on a plane to SF. I got here, still had a bit of chest and head congestion, but on the mend. Then boom, the stomach flu hits early afternoon with dizziness and vomiting. I dont ever remember having all these symptoms in one sickness. Its probably a couple of virii.

Erox & Leslie, I am sorry. Jorn and Ja-El, when I feel up to snuff and when my girlfriend is through, I will call about getting together. I dont think either of you want to score what we have.

O rugs: I wanted to check out that package today, but stomach issues defeated me. I hope I am better tomarrow.

Enron Butterflyington III, D>M>

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

am/pm is the Best!

This is kinda mundane, but they have a new 44 oz twist cap drink bottle for 1.39. you can get unlimited refills for 79 cents. But what's cool is that the bottle is RAD!!! I love it! Go get one 4 yourself. Serious.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Land of Lost Wages lives up to it's name

I lost more than I feel I should have, albeit could have used it on buying something electronical, but not so much as to feel squandered. Afterall going to vegas is all about trying to "win" the jackpot right? So it's money that's spent on entertainment. Anyhow, here's some highlights:

MC Hammer: MC Hammer was on my flight back from Vegas. He was accompanied by his wife and 4 of his kids. There wasn't a big fanfare, I mean, cmon now... he's long forgotten since the 80's with occasional guest appearances on "what happened to... them", "one hit wonders" or whatever unlikely show on MTV. So no one crowded him for an autograph, but in my mind, I was appreciative of all the "good memories" his music did for me and inwardly I grinned.

Wesley snipes: My brother said that Wesley snipes sat in front of him on his flight from new york to vegas. I suggested that my brother ask the man why blade 3 sucked so bad. I'm not much of a fan for Wesley.

Losing my pants and shirt in Pai gow: What a shitty game. That's all I have to say.

Vegas = Porn Cards. There should be a porn based collectible card game, where you pick up all the porn cards from the street and make a game out of it.

Texas Hold em tournys are huge.

Eagles and Patriots win! This will be a great superbowl. Johnny Carson dies.

What a weekend.

Thanks for the heads up!

Got it fixed.

Work update: I'm down to 25 working days. Wow.