
Saturday, June 05, 2004

last post, promise!

so i'm BORED, so i was looking at george r. r. r. r. r. martin's website, and under his bio was this pic:

I was like, "ouch!" And then I was all "Hmmm rude. That looks familiar!" Oh man, it is. From SomethingAwful:

- a grimey shit was lain
breakdancing transformers!

this is way rad, here: Click!

crazy dragon b*tches!

finished that damned game of thrones a little while ago. good book - but, no more reading 800 pages in a few days - i hate reading now. no, i just need a fuckin' break - my eyes, bitch! VOODOO!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

oh shit, book crack!

I told this to jon on the fone, but i'll share t here too. The Game of Thrones (or thorns as i like to think of it) is SO fucking good. OH fUCK! I seriously have been reading it non-stop these last few days. Fuckin rocks. Just wanted to share.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

note to rudy about cds

Have you listened to any of those albums yet? For starters, I'd recommend the purple and white one if it's in there (Painful), the yellow one with the heart on it (I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One), or the burned one with a long title I can't remember. Electro-Pura (white w/ orange trim) and Summer Sun (beach ball) are harder to get into, IMHO WTF.
"All praise the bondage horror."

Well, that's up there with "bunker cunt" in the "series of words I never expected to hear together" category.

I haven't seen Hellraiser. It looked scary when I was a kid, but when I was a kid I thought some pretty stupid shit was scary.

Today was a pretty good day... work was super mellow (helloooo, Golden Sun) and tonight I had some good Thai food in Hollywood and then saw one of my favored bands (Yo La Tengo). Good stuff. I'm tired now, time to go to bed! Hellooooo, Golden Sun.

Is there another Kubla Con this weekend?

Oh, my voice is still shot. I sound a bit like Barry White. R.I.P., the original man of smooth!
Ahh yess drunken debauchery. In ten years, those pictures will come back to haunt us. Most likely in a court of law. Good form sir!

Hellraiser!! I am fan of the concept and imagery. Clive Barker wrote up with the concept by the way. The movies ended up Hollywood formulaic dribble. Parts 3 and 4 were the worst tripe ever committed. Part two just sucked. So consider yourself lucky that you only saw the delicious cruchy crust of that undercooked tripe meat pie.
I'm still a fan though. Love the bondage costumes. And the underlying themes of doom! doom! have some similarities to Cthulhu. Though they tend to lean towards the lawful end of hell. There was a series of comic books that came out a while back. More varied stories, more interesting. More discussions on the subject can be had by appointment. All praise the bondage horror.

Okay, so I finally saw this piece of crap via NetFlix and it sucked ass. What was up with the whole Hellraiser cult following and all that? I mean, the Pinhead character and the rest of the gang were scary in principle, and I think they were created by someone famous, but the movie was terrible. Ugly actors, terrible story, bad cinematography, even worse effects, poor music, HORRIBLE acting! Blecch!

Cool pics and even cooler video game link!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

arw-sum dday pic!

Think that picture captured the game at my finest moment, the tenatious German line! In a few turns, the German would turn it's defense into an all out offensive. fun.

khan pix!!!!1

Crazy Guys!




game action!

Monday, May 31, 2004

This is Awesome!
It's Hulk Hogan and friends vs George W. Bush and Voltron. If u ain't seen it yet, check it out Jon - there's a lot of music in it, but it didn't seem that huge to load. Funny as hell too.

awesome time

I had a great time at the Khan. That really was one of the best cons I've ever been to! I seriously felt like I'd had a full gaming con after Saturday, and Sunday was just icing on the cake!

My gf isn't too psyched about wargames, but she'll play other types of boardgames with me. Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan, Upwords, and so on. She seemed receptive to Risk, but Risk is a special exception because it's a mainstream game. She tried Battle Cry once and wasn't too into it, although she did scream "Die!!!!" every time she threw the dice.

Jon, a peaceful man.
Kublacon is Funlacon!

So I went to the Days of Wonder (Memoir '44) site to see what up with customs, and though I haven't found anything with regards to that yet, I have discoved that the Euros already have their copies, and they love it! Duh! I was also poking around the boards and found a discussion about getting women to play the game and everyone's experience with it, generally positive, which was encouraging for me, then I came to the post that stated:

"My wife would rather eat bugs than play a wargame with me."

That snapped me back to reality!

Also this site blew me away and made me think about how cool it would be to put on a convention that was a bit different and for a slightly different gamer/mindset. Check it out, and see if you are remotely inspired by it at all.

me and jon got home safe just after 1am. thanks for everything guys! one of the best cons in a LONG time - thanks jael and enron for being such gracious hosts and all that shit! dennis and erick - hope u got home safe, and good game to all!


(where u can read all those "my new fighting technique is Unstoppable!" that we had in the shitter, plus he does "get your war on" and "my new filing technique is unstoppable" - rad shit.)

make some beats jael - lemme know if u need any help with the music bro-

Hope ya all had a safe drive home

It was fun. It was great fun. Hopefully more cons to come in the future.
