
Thursday, January 01, 2004


Call me ASAP
Hhhhappy New Year!

I hope you all have a happy new year. Stick around, otherwise, hasta la Vista Baby. Ehhhhhhhh... I can not believe that monkey is our "Ave Anotha' tea" govna'? Great shirt Rudy. It is up there with the High contrast Bush photo with the caption "Evil". The high contrast of the photo made bush look like a serial killer in extasy after a kill.

Neopolitan, the Ice Cream Emperor

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Happy zNew Yeat!

I spent from 8:30pm last night till about 8 in the morning today puking and pissing out of my ass. So fun. I went and got a sandwitch at Gelson's Super Market, and I guess something in it was a little "off." So, I won't be doing anything for new years tonight. I feel like shit.

I want this shirt:

It's only 10 bucks - I saw it in the LA Weekly - They got a bunch of cool shirts, and they're actually silkscreened as opposed to the cafepress method. COOL!
BTW, they also sell Sea Monkeys!
"This is your chance to play god -- mean, old testament god. Create life by following four easy directions, and then take that life away by losing interest in it soon after it has begun. Teach your children the facts of life with these wily sea primates." Sounds good to me!

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

boring postscript to enron.

It's true, Mac file sizes are just smaller. I copied a 64 kb file from my old hd and it became 36 kb. I think I need to start keeping my penis in PC format.
Star Wars Episode III: Attack of the Clones 2

So yeah, I ended up buying the HD enclosure. In the end I realized that I have a 40 gig drive sitting in my old ocmputer collecting dust, and by putting it in the enclosure, I effectively bought myself a portable HD for $70! Brilliant.

Anyway, Eric, you will not regret having me housesit one bit. No, when you come home from your tropical holiday and see the beautiful orange flames licking at the side of your abode, you will realize that you made a great choice. Ask the Ziskins: I've burned down their house twice.

Burn 'em, Ralphie! Burn 'em all!
Hard Drive Enclosure: The Vengeance

So sometimes I do work for this lady with a rickety old Windows ME machine. It's a pretty important computer because she runs her business off it. (She runs a Nigerian spam fraud ring.) Well, a few days ago the thing totally crapped out and now it crashes every time you go to the desktop, even in Safe Mode. I can only boot into DOS. Tried reinstalling ME, it freezes up at 80%. Her recovery discs won't work because they are Windows 98 (she later used an Upgrade disc). When she got the computer she bought one of those service plans that everybody tells you aren't worth the money. Guess what? They aren't worth the money.

ME: So the lady needs to fix the machine but keep her data.
CUSTOMER SERVICE GUY: Oh, we can fix the machine, but her data will DIE!!

So I guess the next step is reformat and start over. So I guess I have the following options to transfer her data:

1. Get the DOS drivers for her Zip 100 drive and enough Zip discs to store ~6 gigs of data.
2. Set up some kind of FTP between her DOS machine and my Mac. What teh fuck. I'm researching this but am not sure this is going to be an easy solution.
3. Take her hard drive somewheres with a CD burner and burn all teh shits.
4. The Aaron supersolution: Buy a hard drive enclosure, put her hard drive in it, and transfer her sh1t to my computer using supar-fast f1r3w1r3!11!.

I'm trying to figure out a way to do #2 (har, har) and will probably harangue my new alter ego Elrock to see if there's an EZ-R way to do it. #3 is not a great option because most people I know with CD burners are either out of town or their burner doesn't work. (Including me.) Also I want to finish this shit by late afternoon and not worry about it anymore and 3 would add a lot of time to the process. So I'm leaning towards #4 again.

That's my story!!!1
I am grateful and interested

Thanks for house sitting John Peterson, at least I take the last blog as a "yes!", and if you are just fucking with me, Torengo. And I never said anything about you having rights to use my beach or my Goal-A-Minute Soccer game, so you better get that straight.

Details to follow.

Also, what is this about HD enclosures and burning software and crosses?
Full Throttle

As acting agent for the Elrock Estate and his daily affairs, yes you will have to work his job. You get 1/2 of the net, the rest goes to Elrock. Please come prepared to work it at the corner of Sunset and Fairfax. Bring the proceeds back to me and I will cut you your percentage.

Bummer about the drive. They are really cool to have from a geeky stand point. I still want one.

Enron Joberflyingtonless III
special message to Enron

I went to Fry's, almost bought the hard drive enclosure, but it was about $10 more than I was willing to spend, so I didn't. I'll just either find a PC w/ a burner or connect to a PC w/ Win XP, then connect my Mac to that PC and burn from there. Awesomeage.

another special message to Enron

Yo mama!
Hmm, let's see, if I were house-sitting I would have Internet access, beach access, close proximity to La Penita ("the small cock"), and access to Goal-A-Minute Soccer?

Sounds good!

Would I have to go to your job?

Monday, December 29, 2003

Its a Carnivale, the finest TV money can buy.

Elrock, are you going to dress up the house for Jon. You know, Carnival tent style exterior. Jon, don't mind the fumes. Also, Jon you will have to brush up on your grape peeling, hand-feeding skills. Asshole -> Me!

Elrock, what fine destination are you spending your Honeymoon in?

There is always, the Sorny, Panaphonics, and Magnetbox options.
I need house sitting from Jon

Jon, I understand you are the man to talk to about house sitting? So me and this chick are getting married and we are going to be on our honeymoon from wed 7th of January until saturday the 17th of january. This poses a problem for us and our two cats, they will starve to death while we are gone unless someone saves them! SO I thought that perhaps you would want to stay at our house while we were gone and take care of the cats and have the run of the house with FULL refrigerator, strand cruiser, computer, Halo, porn collection, AND Kings jersey rights while you are there. Sound like maybe a plan?

If not, anyone want to help my cats survive my honeymoon?
The two games I want to play zis year are the new Zelda and Knights of the Old Republic, so my alternate console sexuality is working for now. Although I wouldn't be too surprised if Knights came out on the PS2 as well.

I went and saw Big Fish yesterday... it was really good! The attention to design wasn't as extreme as in some of T. Burton's other films. I got the impression that he was consciously focusing more on the characters and less on the scenery. Anyway, the movie is sort of a tear-jerker towards the end. There were tons of people sniffling in the theater.
PS2 for you

Rudy: I heard the same rumor around september about the $99 PS2. The problem, as you ponited out, is PS2s are still selling very well. Sony may do a price drop, but certainly not to $99. Maybe $149. Xbox is still $179 too. Game cube is selling well, but I think the way Sony sees it is the longer they can keep the price up and still sell a good number of units they will. I am really looking forward to GT4. GT3 is so good. As much as I like Halo, I would rather have a PS2 than Xbox. Most of the games I would on the Xbox are games that I can get similar or the same games on PC.

Ja -eL: GTA is Grand Theft Auto. In particular reference to GTA3 and GTA Vice City (3.5?). They are third person driving/shooting/havoc inducing games. Great stuff.

Jon: You still havent beat space ace? I watch you get pretty far a couple times only to succumb to anger. That game is pretty frustrating. Job search.... Burnt to a Criss. Stupid holiday season is not where it is at for hiring.

Warthog Delivery Service agent, level 7
grand theft auto, silly goose! i gave America's Army a chance awhile back but I couldn't get too into it. I'm not big on the one-life kinda games (like counter strike.) If i was better maybe id like it more, but naaaah.

i really might get a ps2 soon cuz im dying to get the Karaoke Revolution game (u actually sing into a mic, rad!) and the new DDR and the new Gran Turismo game which comes out sometime next year. I got that funny quote looking thru amazon reviews for the different consoles. Supposedly Sony was gonna have another price drop - maybe to $99 because the gamecube price drop has been such a huge sucess - i doubt itll be ANYTIME soon though- i think they still sold the most amount of consoles this x-mas! (NE1 WANNA SELL ME THEIRS LEMME KNOW MMMMMMMMMMMMMMK THX]

saw pirates of the caribbean the other night - i liked it. pretty cool flick. watched a little bit of "big fish" at work last week - it was pretty good! wanna see the whole pic.


Sunday, December 28, 2003


I'm not quite sure what GTA is (a first person shooter is what i'm thinking), but if you have the system speed get America's Army. OMFG. the game is addictive. I have been playing all christmas. It's like snowing M16 bullets and rocket propelled grenades. I may just have to kiss a girl under a rain of mortar fire. There are a few reasons that makes this dynamic game stand out amongst other 1st person shooters. First, it's developement including programming, testing, game developement is supported by none other than our governments military budget. Our governement and its vast monetary and human resource allows an unbelievable amount of money spent in the games developement. The game has over 20 multiplayer maps; compared to MOHAA which had 6, training modules, dedicated online servers, and an honor point system. The honor point system is equivalent to experience points, the more you get, the higher your ratings. A feeling a accomplishement is derived from the honor points system, but that is beside the point.
Secondly, the game engine is equally good compared to any other 1st person shooter game out in the market. There are over 1.5 million registered players, that attests to the games resounding success. I can be somewhat confident to say that that number of players is one of the most for public games, free or not and one of the largest online community.
Thirdly, the continual developement of this game can be assured. The game is without a doubt a success, for the army and as a propaghandist utility. Therefore one can look forward to an evoluting game with new materials. This will ensure it's following, if not make it even more attractive. Instead of buying a 60 dollar game like MOHAA which in one years time will die, AA will not.


Well, now that GTA 3 and 4 are available for the Xbox, it's a lot easier to like... but the hours I've put in on Halo (even if most of them haven't been on my -particular- machine) easily justify the $199 bux... IMO.

Video games. Ah yes, video games. For those of you who may have somehow forgotten, January 1st marks the official end of my self-imposed exile from "alone time" video games. Therefore, upon the stroke of midnight, I am once again free to waste as many hours as I'd like moving pixelized characters to and fro. I think I've learned about using my time better this year.

But for now, fuck life lessons. Once January hits, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy Legend of Zelda for the 'Cube, which I bought used today for $24.99. Yes sirs, I will provide updates upon finding each segment of the Triforce '04 (or whatever it's called nowadays), as well as upon getting the slingshot and boomerang!

I'm also going to goddamn well beat my DVD version of Space Ace. It's just been sitting on my shelf, taunting me, for the whole year.