
Friday, December 12, 2003


super funny -

HEY - whats the info for the con? I wanna go visit saturday night/afternoon but i have no current cellys for anyone. call me! three two three eight four one six seven six seven - rad idear!


Thursday, December 11, 2003

I'm packing up and driving to the con after work.

So, I'll be out of work around 4:30, home from work and the store around 5:30, out of the house around 6:30, and hopefully at the con by 8:00 or so.

I've got the cell numbers of Celsius and Halfling (Eric's new nickname, I don't know why). I'll call sometime late tomorow afternoon to figure out the dealie-o.

Doo de do doo do!

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Motorbykal will get a call from Enron and Ja-el in the morning.

So there you have it. Then call me and tell me what up. I think I am picking up Denis on the way from Beverly Hills, and then Con ho!

Ok, here's the deal. I have the tickets, but I don't have a ride as my car just crapped out a mile from home after the 4 hour adventure that Carrie and I endured that was getting the tickets. I also don't have anyone's numbers as Erics seem to have changed entirely (all three of the ones I had) and I've never had Aaron's or Jon's. Please call me, I need a lift. I assume that you all have my number (which hasn't changed) but in case you don't it's five four five, nine eight two seven. This message will self destruct in two seconds.



The UI for posting blogs on Apple and older PC based browsers stink. Maybe Camino is okay, I have not tried it. ANyway... I will be picking up Ice Lee at LBC. After that if any monkeys want to cheel, give me a call. If you do not have my number, give Elrock or Oetersen a call they can give you the four11. ALso anyone that wants to car pool it tomarrow, give me or Johnny a jingle. Futbol or Jahn O-eater-sun?

BTW the Apple powerbook is sweet. Really nice machine, except the 'Caps Lock' key. Picked one up for the Pops. That and an iPod, another sweet device.

Yo Joe.
So Who's hanging out on wednesday night?!!!?!


Just look for any room. We will be in very close proximity to the convention, by helicopter.


just kidding

The actual hotel information is


but it really doesn't matter because until I check in, no one else can. So, aaron and I will call everyone and leave the information. We'll arrive early Thursday morning. The mariott shouldn't be hard to find. It should be right next to the Khanvenshun. (Directions) ----> Go to convenstion in anaheim. See Mariott. (/End Directions.)

Anyone up to hang out on wednesday night though? for dinner or something?

Here is my itinerary

Thursday -
8.30am: Wake up, go to breakfast with Leslie.
11.00am: Meeting in Beverly Hills.
12.00pm: Go to convention

Friday, Saturday, Sunday:


So there you have it. But it doesn't look like I can drive anyone seeing as I will be heading to Anaslime via Beverly Hills. Also, Johnny, where are we staying? When are you checking in? WTF am I doing/going/etc?

Gaming goodness!

Also Mike, are you going to be able to get to buy some tickets tonight, I can't get out of work...

Tuesday, December 09, 2003


Aright, first things fucking first. Sorry I have not blogged. Today is the first day I have checked the blog or my email in a week. I would have done it sooner but I got good and sick last wednesday and was not better until monday. I am fine now, but was not up to driving to the office, the nearest I-net connection. In fact I dont think I left the bed but to eat, pee, shit and get water. Suck. Anyway, now that that is out of the way, here is a my summarized posting to the past week of blogs.

Celsius? Huh? Ahhh, sure why not. Investments idea... Sounds good, only I dont have shit for money right now. No Job = Just enough money to keep myself afloat through the joyous expenditures of December. I will not be the Girl for you pervs. I will play the bitch healer, the wimpy wiz-azz, the trap testing cannon fodder or some other part, but not U-man. Fuggers... Just because I am the last to post on it does not mean I get the short end of the stick. As far as Elrock having the so called "Community College" degree, you went to Irvine Juggolo. In fact upon thinking more about it, I have the lowest degree of the group... AKA CSU. All you other GenCon gamin' bastards are UC and beyond (Motorbyke). Getting back to the subject, Let us just hope this event does not turn into one Dark Carnival. And piss on you all about my bladder. You make me the bitch and I will pee in your backpacks for spite.

Anyway I am picking up the Jaw-Knee Khan Late at the airport in LB tomarrow at 6:45. I donno what is going on tomarrow? Give me a heads up! Jon, do you still need to use the plotter? I am assuming no since I have not heard from you so far. When/how is everyone getting to the Con. WHat is the plan Stan?

Sister's stupid computer died and guess who gets to fix it. Rule. If you need to get a hold of me, call me at me Cellulose Phone.

Roll Call

Okay, roll call day before the day before:

- Eric: Maybe I can go wednesday night, though I doubt it, otherwise, thursday morning for tickets! Two Blood Bowl teams painted, lots of useless WWII terrain waiting to not be used or transported, gaming goodness is overtaking me!

- Jon: No wednesday, Thursday?

- Enron: No idea what this guy is doing.

- Johnny: on a flight tomorrow and will arrive at 6:45pm or something, then thursday gaming goodness!

- Mike: Probably either sleeping right now, or on a flight. But this guy is our wednesday night savior! God save the Mike and his providence!

- Denis: No wednesday, but I think Thursday - Sunday!

As far as characters go for the dungeon game, we are given all six characters on the spot when the game starts and we split them up there, same characters for every game, so there is no thinking for you Mike, just get some tickets!!!!

Peace in the Middle Ea(rth)st

Sunday, December 07, 2003


Hey man, you don't need alcohol to have fun with your friends....

I've been busy doing prep work for my (most likely not-going-to-happen) GMing stint at GenCon. I'll have two things prepped. Since I'm concentrating on learning the Savage Worlds system right now, I'll probably run both things with that. I hope people don't think they suck.

One is an SW conversion of a classic Deadlands adventure, "Night Train." I fully expect everyone to die except for Aaron, who will be paralyzed but rewarded by grateful townspeople with a wheelchair built of railroad ties and Indian skulls, while being knighted by Pliny the Edgar.

The other is a combat-intensive sci-fi scenario. This will be a good "play if we have time, who cares if people drop in and out" game.

From the depths of rpgnet...

I found the following post amusing, in a thread about bad GM's (slightly edited):

Well, I've seen a lot of people list 'Pet NPC' as the biggest peeve of theirs. My problem with it came when the GM's PNPC staked me in the final confrontation between my character and a corrupt Elder in our four month Vampire game. Then the NPC diablerized him (for non-vampire players, it's when a vamp kills another vamp and drains his power)

That wasn't the worst part, though. I can have my character be betrayed and suffer downfall as long as it's dramatic or partially logical and this was, for the most part. No, the worst thing about it was when our ST stood up to get snacks and we noticed his blatantly visible erection. ... I drew my own conclusions and left about six minutes later.
A few notes of interest

- I am too old to drink heavily anymore. My body just can't handle it.

- I pooped and chucked at the same time last night, fortunately I was in the downstairs bathroom so that while I was sitting on the crapper, it wasn't too tough to sit up and chuck in the sink 4 times....

- My vomit had the consistency of soft cat food, which I did not eat, but I did eat meatloaf.

- Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, please don't make me drink much more than 4 beers and two shots, that's all I am good for any more these days.