
Saturday, November 09, 2002

test test test

Friday, November 08, 2002

The Disappearing Websites

So yesterday both the Action Team and the Studio 9 one 2 site (which both reside on the same server) were out of order the past day. I called the jackass' at Nexpoint and they said theye were upgrading the software on the server, and then found out that there were severe security issues with the new release, so when i called they were in the process of backing up the files from the tapes. It took them a REALLY long time to do so, I don't think it was finished until sometime this morning. The FTP access and everything was gone. Interesting. So much for their 99.9% uptime guarantee, of course I'm not going to take em to court over it either.

Also, in the spirit of Halloween, Leslie and I have turned our house into a circus themed funhouse for everyone to enjoy! It will be running for the duration of the weekend and will be taken down monday morning sometime. There will be clowns, a "fog" machine, refreshments and prizes for everyone in attendance, so hope to see you there! Oh yeah, if Leslie and I are not there to greet you at the opening to the whimsical tent we have covering the house, just come on in, have a seat, take a nap, and we'll be there to meet you real soon... we probably just stepped out for something, and we'll be right back....or you can try and contact me on my cell phone over the weekend if you need to reach me....

My Likes and Dislikes:I like the Tweenkie Zombie Story! I don't like 100 hours of accidents! I didn't really like Metal Gear Solid for the same reasons you don't either, Ragnar! I don't like ass excretions from animals either!

Thursday, November 07, 2002

The Inaction Team!

My day:

1. After a late night brewing beer with Matt, wake up with a horrible headache and a gnawing sense of anger. Headache: due to considerable amount of beer drunk while brewing. Anger: due to the previously-mentioned employment fuckover I received earlier this week.
2. Spent day editing this one story ("Cannibals of West LA," for those who may have seen it) for resubmission. I edited the story and submitted it for an anthology of zombie short stories. The editor wrote back that although he didn't want it for that anthology, if I tightened it up he'd consider it for the NEXT zombie short story anthology. For a while I wavered back and forth on whether to do it (1. Not sure I wanted to edit it; 2. Not sure I wanted to devote the time to edit it, thus diverting time away from other projects like masturbation and beer brewing; 3. Can't remember third reason), but finally I decided to go ahead and do it. So, I took my notes, edited the story, resubmitted it as an rtf. Maybe it'll sell, probably it won't, that's how these things go.
3. Oh yeah, third reason was that I'm not crazy about the story anyway. But hey, some people liked it a lot, so I think it's at least decent.
3. Got ready to go to my exciting new "shift lite" at work, from 12-4. (We call in on a daily basis to see what the work schedule is like the next day.) Left the house at 11:15. Decided to stop by the Galleria first because I heard MGS2 for Xbox was out, thought I'd pick it up. Also: luncheon.
4. At mall, decided that there was no way in hell I wanted to go to work. So, didn't go.
5. Got the game and some luncheon.
6. Came home. Let the dogs in out of the rain. After being in for approximately one minute, Vanessa (who is pretty old, almost 13) is walking down the downstairs hall when I hear a horrible squirting sound emerging from her direction. I am horrified to discover that in the space of 1 second, she has released a seven-foot-long spray of highly viscous diarrhea along the entire length of the downstairs hallway. Said diarrhea is the foulest-smelling example of animal waste I have come across in many moons.
7. Spent the next 45 minutes utilizing 409, Febreze, paper towels, a dustpan, and a steam cleaner in an effort to remove the waste from the carpet. When finished, there is nothing left but a mild stain on the carpet which seemingly nothing but Zeus Himself can destroy.
8. Got some coffee and dinner. Did some writing.
9. Played Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance for many hours while crying.
10. Wrote this while listening to sleeping dog's stomach rumble dangerously. Having gone through a bout of food poisoning not too long ago, I am sympathetic to all those with intestinal discomfort, man and beast alike, but I must say that the shit fountain, amazing a display as it was, is not something that I am keen on seeing again.

Mini-Review: Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance (Xbox version)

In this game, you play a man named Solid Snake who is some kind of warrior who is cloned from a man named Big Boss and also you have a brother named Liquid Snake who you killed in the last game, but he is still alive because his arm is attached to a man named Revolver Ocelot. You are on a tanker. You have a flechette gun which induces paralysis but you can also break the guards' necks. You have a camera and you can take pictures of the Japanese women in bikinis who are on posters around the ship and then Solid Snake says "Good." Also you can hold up the terrorists and steal their dogtags. You talk to a lot of people on the radio and you get to bungee-jump, rappel, jump around explosions, however you do not get to actually do these things with the controller, you do them with your imagination while watching cinematic cutscenes.

Then after you play for two hours, and you have the game mechanics pretty well in hand, you switch to another character who looks and talks like any bishonen (pretty-boy) anime character you can imagine, who is a rookie, and for some reason the game designers confused the character with you, the player, so they find it necessary to re-explain all of the controls and mechanics to you, over and over, in loooong conversations on the radio. This is why I don't have a cell phone. I am afraid Eric will call me and say, "Jon, I see that you have secured some rations in a yellow box. If you put some of those rations into a bowl and then pour milk into them, and then ready the spoon and use the action button, you will enjoy the rations and regain some health." Then I'll be going to the bank and Rudy will call and say, "Jon, dollars are the monetary unit of the United States of America. You can either save them, or you can spend them on lap-dances."

Comparitive Grade: (That is, compared to cleaning diarrhea off the carpet.): A+
YO YO wud up Web Master E?

I be trying to look at der website ere an it ain't, I said ain't Funk-tionin'! Yo u gotta jive it up! Can't be no sleepin on no jobby job...

We can be the Web E Clan!! sucka! Hey um... ok, back to reality. Saw on TV, if you have time check out Unclaimedmoney.com and find out if you have some money due to you. I don't really know how it works yet, the website is down.

I'm also looking for the nude female chef that's up in San francisco. I heard she serves a mean dish. Sushi anyone? But Haironovich, if you happen to find out, let me know. I'd be interested to see how much she charges and to take a look at her website.


Yeah, I noticed! What up mister d?
Something bad just happened to the action team website.....

Tuesday, November 05, 2002


Geez Aaron, you should try not crashing into so many people. I'm pissed off. My boss told me today that, contrary to what he -promised- me when I joined up, from now on he is not going to be able to guarantee me 40 hours per week. Meaning I could be working 0-25 hours instead. Fuck that. I'm going to have it out with him tomorrow and if it doesn't get resolved, I'm quitting. I have enough (barely) money that if I already had a job, I could finance a move. I really really could use those consistent 40 hours through December, but I'm not going to bend over and take it because my boss finds it inconvenient to honor a promise. Anyway, I figure if I devote that time to job hunting, surely I can find something in the next two months. (Right Eric??) Anybody wanna buy an iBook? I'm very very glad I'm living at home right now. Also, on the upside I'll have a lot more time to dedicate to the Sea Monkeys story and Tony Hawk 4. (Best0r game evar.)

The really annoying thing about the job situation is that a lot of the problem come because this other guy, ah fuck it it's not worth going into.

I am into the sea monkey story, I just don't have an illustrator! I had somebody else in mind but it turns out her illustrations take a very very long time to do each one and I don't think it would be worth it to her. I'll keep my eyes open though. What I'll probably do before too long is just illustrate the fucker myself and then at least have the timing ready so we can get the music done. I agree that the underwater segment could have some kickass music behind it.
"I live my life a quarter of a mile at a time. Nothing else matters. For those 10 seconds or less, I'm free." Vin Diesel--The Fast and the Furious

Sorry to hear about the accidentes 'ron! Yeah, I've been in a few car wrecks myself (including my 4 month old SUV gettin' T-Boned and totalled- served me right though- damn SUVs!) Glad you're ok and everything. Good luck with insurance fuxors- I guarantee they'll try and fuck you.

Thanks for all the computer tips guys! I think I need a job that provides me with a better income though before I get too serious. Check this out though: Jael, you said its about 1k to build a tight gaming rig. I don't see why it needs to be that expensive. I sure as fuck don't want a $400 geforce4 card- I'd rather spend $400 bucks on a PS2, X-Box, and a couple games. (BTW- I've heard from some friends that GTA:ViceCity is bananas! Goddamn, I wanna play that game!) I was just kinda on my own trying to pick parts from some websites, and - you guys think I could put together a decent rig for say $500-600 total? I don't expect to have some 3ghz m0nstar, but i dunno.

My work schedule has changed again (my job sucks.) I now work Mon-Fri, Noon-8or9pm. I like the time better and the weekends off, but the job is more sucky. Studio- lets do it (before I fucking quit- I am half-assed looking for another gig already.)

Jon- I just reread your Sea Monkeys script, and man, its totally awesome! FUck waiting on someone to do the art- use the Hollywood program I have, and we'll do it that way! ;) Seriously though, I think I wanna do a piece of music based on the story of pod-queen-bitch-slut-cunt-rust-whore tells the dude when he's all stiffed-out.

Movie Review: Blade 2
Just rented it- It was alright. The F-X were better than I thought they'd be, although there were a couple of silly fights that would at times seem to go completely CG- kinda weird. And, eh- I'm sick of the "hero gets super fucked up by the villians 3/4 through the movie, only to "snap out of it" and kick some ass. At least there wasn't a stupid Van-Damme type scene with Blade doing the splits between 2 chairs. Sheesh.
Grade: C+

Coming soon: Reviews for "Frailty" and "Gangster No. 1"

I've been really wanting to check out Bowling for Columbine also E-RicK. Heard nothing but good things about it. You should go to his website and get on his mailing list. He sends out letters every couple of weeks- good stuff. Also, I was lucky enough to go catch him on his book tour for Stupid White Men a few months back. The event was totally free and he spoke for like 3 hours. Very cool (and funny) dude, and it was awesome to "meet" him (I didn't go up to him after the event, but even though there was tons of people there, it still felt very personal.)

Glad you didn't get hurt Aaron, and thanks to all of you for the help!

-Van Diesal

Bloggin’ by Deaf Mute Take 2

Alright mo’ Fo’s I am going to try this again. I am sorry that I have been so remiss in Blogging. The past week or so has been a bit crazy. It started with Thursday. First I spent three hours scouring the web trying to find a way to open up my router so that I can blubster. Every reference I saw suggested setting it up with features that did not exist in my router’s interface. After digging around I came to find out that you had to be psychic and know that a firmware update would provide these features. Bastards.

Next I spent two and half hours cleaning and waxing my fine automobile and prepping for the crazy All Hallow’s Eve debauchery. Around 10PM we left our friend’s house to head down to the Castro district for the craziest street party action I have seen. In fact it took about an hour just to walk from the closest point public transportation would take us (Van Ness and Market) to Castro Street. I have never seen so many great costumes before. The Gir (In dog guise) was great. Bender ruled! The free mammory exam booth was pure genius. All in all some 100,000 people showed up for a surprisingly good time. That place was off the hook. Finally we rocked out of there and we got back to my car at 2am.

On the way home... YeeeHaaaa! I T-boned some other person’s car. Air bags and all fired off, although Aimey and I never touched the bags during the crash. Must have been the absolute minimum speed to set them off. Broke the front right axle of the other car. Both cars had to be towed. So much for the wax job, I should have just given myself a hand job instead. As far as I can tell it was the other drivers’ fault, but who knows? Insurance may see it differently. I got home at 4am, was up at 6am and off to work, on little to no sleep and jittery as hell. Suck balls Chopper.

Saturday I did get to go out and hang with Ja –el (After an incident where the police shut down 2 BART stations that brought the system to its knees) and explored the gaming store action of San Jose. Cool store, but it was no BrookBlurst. Speaking of which, it turns out that BrookBlurst holds a corner on the Peter Pig market in the US. According to the store we went to, BrookBlurst is supposed to play nice with other retailers and act as a distributor in the US, but apparently it doesn’t. Fuckers Jerks.

Watched the Sting Ring of Fire. Pretty freaky, but the ending was a bit of a let down. One scene in particular really got me to jump. It was the first real scary shot and it was rather unexpected. I think the movie is worth a go see.

Happy Birthday to you, Tbone! I was presented the present of T-bone v.2. So I am chillin’ on a commuter bus chock full of people standing and.. SLAM the breaks lock on the bus and BOOM, it hits a car on its left hand side. I could not see the crash, but then I head the squeal of spinning tire and saw the car fly by and go headfirst into the corner of a concrete building. Not pretty. The accelerator must have been stuck. The passengers had to be dragged out of the window after some pedestrians broke out the side window to recover them from the smoking remains of the car. D’oh! After no involvement in a single accident for 9 years, I get the thrill of being involved in 2 crashes within a 100-hour period. Car crashes suck!

Hopefully I will have photos of the Castro craziness next time I see you.

Rudy, get an Intel board only if you get an Intel processor and like getting reamed. Intel boards are great for servers andcorporate environments but not gaming enthusists. Besides Intel is just to expensive of bang for your buck, although they are getting better. The only problem is they will not put out a good chipset with anything other than RamBu$ ram. Shit is twice as expensive as DDR. Go AMD (VIA Chipset) with Asus, Soyo, or Abit MoBo. All three are very good manufactures. Go with Nvidia for video. ATI has some good hardware (They actually have the fastest card out Radeon 9700 series) but their drivers are not so good. Ask Jon, he will give you an ear full. Consult mix master Eric, he knows his shit too, so drill his colon for info or for mud.. Take your pick. One thing that Eric said is totally true without fail. In all my years of experience of computers I have discovered there is no such thing as a good cheap computer, Deals are usually not deals unless you compare apples to apples, and making your own computer is often rewarding but can be frustrating sometimes. You get what you pay for! Finally here is a rule I live by, there are three options with a computer, Cheap, Fast, and Reliable. PICK TWO. No such thing as all three in one box.

Want suggestions.. check out this article. I trust these guys' opinions on hardware. They have three levels of machines.. Mix and match crap from the Budget Box and the Hot Rod... http://arstechnica.com/guide/system/index.html

Vicious Kanid

Monday, November 04, 2002

Mo Hasheesh

Yeeha boyz, the premise of this email? Nothin.

Rudy, if youre building your own computer, I think for a decent game machine, youre looking at spending around 1 grand. which is not that much for a computer. You can pretty much get everything top of the line for that price (not including monitor). 2~ ghz cpu, 512k ram, good size hard drive, you need a good video card, I'd recommend the nvidia chipset cards, geforce 128mb, and decent sound card. You'll be rockin! Name brand systems aren't really that much more, especially if you buy Dell. They are pretty competitive to retail. If you don't want to spend that extra 100 -200 or so, buying grey market stuff, obviously will be cheaper, but also lacks in warranty and service.
All I can say is, buy an intel motherboard, (will save you some trouble), and the rest of the components, like Eric said, you get what you pay for.

when you have time, check out www.howstuffworks.com.

Judge Marilyn Muliani IS AWESOME!!! she is soooo hot. well maybe like 10 years ago, but man, I'd rock her silly. I like that whole power trip thingy and then she has the brains to go with her beauty. I'll bet you she's wearing a wig though. Her hair looks too good. drool. Actually, the show is great. It brings back memories dating all the way back to Judge wapner drudging my way through highschool. I remember Wapner was on at 4:30 - 5:00. Then came a series of judges, some flops some not, but Marilyn is the shitsa.


Fucking Refresh

Well I was going to blog a good blog but I hit the fucking refresh button when I was almost finished. It will have to wait.. Sorry... I just do not see myself rewriting my 2 page blog right now since looking at explorer any longer just aggitates me.
Computers, Shmomputers

1) Hey Rudy, give me a call and we can chat about what to get (if anything at all) and where to start. I must say this, for the most part with PC's and their ilk, you get what you pay for. Sure you might be spending less, but you will feel the ill effects down the line. Ex. integrated video cards, poor quality RAM, crappy ass motherboards with no more than two expansion slots, etc. So yeah, give me a call!

2) I want to get my Linux box to print, however, Win98 doesn't support print servers with Unix, so I went out and purchased a small print server. Of course the connections are all wrong (36 Centronics on server, 25 Pin DB on the Printer) so I had to get some converters, etc, and I don't even know if it works yet, but if it does, I think I can configure it to accept internet printing if I set up a Win2000 box somewhere... i don't know if telling the Action Team about an internet printer is a good idea however...

3) Go see Bowling For Columbine right now! This movie is another Michael Moore classic and should be mandatory viewing for the entire planet. Amazing stuff about gun control, white fear of everything, media bias in their "news" coverage, and a funny-ass cartoon by Trey and Matt about the history of white fear in America. Some of it was just awful to sit through (a split screen of the security camera tapes of the Columbine shootings with the 911 recordings in audio montage format playing in the background), and some of it downright funny (the opening scene, which I won't ruin here). Yeah, it's mostly covering the shit that those of us who are somewhat enlightened and educated are aware of, but its great to see it put on the big screen -- of course the audience that really needs to see it, never will, and it will continue preaching to the choir, but bottom line, go see it, and take someone with you. Better yet, take 10 people with you.
Build My Own Computer

Hey fellas. I was thinking about buiding my own computer. Any ideas where I should start? My friend suggested newegg.com and I thought maybe Frys (they got a decent 1.1ghz rig for only $300.) Any help would be appreciated, thanks.